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  1. this is a random suggestion that occurred to me. is a creator of shaders for Mine-imator. well ... I know that this program may never be created, but at least give the idea. This allows you to completely customize the GLSL Shaders. to create a shaders completely similar to Minecraft. as: -SEUS shaders -Chocapic shaders -Sildurs Vibrant shaders and more. Image of the idea (edited):
  2. I was thinking, could it be possible to have Mediafire Player support? It could be just like Youtube videos. [media]http://mfi.re/watch/dya5l5r4l3h5sao/You_Called_Me.mp4[/media]
  3. Before I start, if this IS a feature in Mine-imator 1.0.0, please tell me. This allows much more advanced editing for the objects. Basically, you can grab a single vertex and move it around, or an edge, face, etc. This allows for much easier object modification, and a bigger variant of the appearances of objects. Example: One vertex grabbed and moved outwards Also, having the feature of subdividing the amount of faces on an object, giving it even MORE freely movement of the modification. Example: I subdivided it three times, and used the soft selection to grab a vertex and move it along smoothly. Note that when I have no subdivisions, the object has a lot of constraints for how smooth and graduate the faces become when things are moved. There probably should be a limit to how far you can subdivide it, or people would be making round things. This may also help on the new bending system.
  4. Hey Guys! I had the idea that you could maybe set a folder to open directly when you for example select a skin. Thats basically it. yay
  5. This block is very lost in Mine-imator. this is the only block that I have never heard in the forums ... animation of the block and information:http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ender_Crystal
  6. images show the following. have the possibility to create a block containing custom particles. and with scale (size) unlimited, to create effects of biomes. for the "The Glorious David": http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=422338?st=0
  7. Well, I have no Idea if this is possible in GameMaker, but it would be very cool if you could customize the transition of a keyframe. I imagine it like this: And you could do things like this: So dаvid, is this possible? Also, maybe you could be able to save custom transitions you made? If yes, pls implement!!!11eleven!11!!
  8. Click on Image to Download / or Click Here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well ... my suggestion is this. make a separate language pack file. (file. txt) so people may edit or create other languages ​​for Mine-imator. the download is a sample of the work I was doing for Mine-Imator. if "The Glorious David" adds this, I'll finish the rest of the English language.
  9. So... I was thinking maybe all of us don't want the same theme. Maybe we could have DIFFERENT themes. Here are some ideas: Original Theme (This one) Winter Theme (The other one) Enderman Theme (Endermen everywhere!) Creeper Theme (Creepers!) Diamond Theme (Struck it rich!) Fighting Theme (Booty-kicking time!) Nether Theme (Ooh... scary) Wither Theme (He's always watching) Herobrine Theme (Run!) Tell me what you think!
  10. So... I was thinking maybe we should have a button in a keyframe that says 'Snap to ground' so we don't have to fuss over our character's feet partially in the ground or something. I think it would help us be more exact...? Possibly. (Note I do not know if this has been suggested yet) (I also do not know if something like this has been implemented yet.)
  11. i think that when you add a light it should be represented as a 3D block or item (that is technically invisible) so you can see where your putting it
  12. ok so you know those sign up topics? where you get a form and all that stuff? what if there was an option so you can preset the form in the comment section, it would save people 5 seconds of copying and pasting, Also Multiple forms? put them all in and let them delete the unneccesery ones! Dont want the form altogether? Delete it, either that or make an option to fill out the form. Anyhay im done here. -1 if you hate this.
  13. hey david on contact information,can you add facebook,twitter and gmail on it???
  14. I may be going overboard with the ideas here, but I think this is actually a good one... Maybe you could bookmark a topic so you can find it later without having to sort through search results or looking through a bazillion topics... (Yes, I know Google Chrome and all the browsers have a bookmark thing, but you probably wouldn't want to clutter it...) Like you can have a tab or something that says 'Bookmarked Topics' and under that all the topics you bookmarked... is it a good idea?
  15. is it just me or should there totaly be a way to follow a user here on the forum just like you can on fx: deviantart? how it should Work: just like if you follow a topic but with a user fx: you should get a message whenever the user you are following makes a topic/comment and on your profile it should show who you are following. i think it would improve the forum alot. just a suggestion. cya! -skjold
  16. I though of a few new things they could add to the forums (and IDK if anyone else suggested this) Hide your personal info from certain people (so creeps don't stalk you or whatever, but moderators can view everything) Improved Chat: Friend/unfriend people from the chat page, report people from there, have custom text color/font/size, censoring for swears (for younger people, you can turn off/on), have canned responses (a feature in Gmail; if people ask you the same question too much, you can just add a response to a dropdown menu and when someone asks you the question, just go to the drop-down menu and select the response. It magically appears in the box and all you have to do is hit send! This is individual, everyone has their own and can customize it) Have a set color/font/size for every topic/post so you don't have to select a pink 18-size Comic Sans MS font every time (just saying); you can change this in your settings More personalizations for your page: An area where if you have a YT account, it shows off your recent videos; Gmail and Google+ contact links; a color scheme (Different panel colors, text color/font, etc.) Personal IM: Like a PM and Chat combined; instant chatting w/ a friend so you don't have to see those annoying numbers/pop-ups every time Add Special Characters in Chat/Post/Topic: All the letters with accents, the degree sign, the cent sign, etc. (Available to everyone) Insertable Images in Status Updates (Idk if you can do this yet) RP Chat: (Yes, I know people RP with topics, but this is different.) Faster, and it's like a video game menu: Open RP, Join RP, Start new RP, or Quit RP Chat. (If you clicked on Start RP, it would give you a bunch of options for it such as the title, what it's about, the genre, etc. If you clicked on Join RP, there would be a list of available RPs with the info, and if you clicked on one and made a character for it, the host of it would have to approve first, though.) There would also be a search section so you could search for RPs without having to look through 50 pages of stuff. Hope I get listened to! Forgot one. You can see who's chatting right now without having to scroll through a buncha random stuff. (Idk if you can do that, I'm sort of new.)
  17. I thought of a suggestion for the forum (and IDK if anyone else suggested this) A little area where you can see if your friends are online/offline without having to navigate all the way to your friends' pages, like a sidebar or something and you can click on their names if they're online to private chat with them or send a PM... just a suggestion? (And yes, I know they have the member guide, but this is friends-only.)
  18. Bones (Armature) What that is basically is a tool that helps you move characters into positions much easier, many limbs at once. Blender has this feature, Maya has this feature, flash, etc. Generally all the top notch programs have the bone feature. That's why they are top notch. And I think you guys are more then top notch. You guys are top ice cream. I guess if you want to add this, you'll also need to add smooth arm bending and stuff too but bones will make that easier. (Even body bending!) Still not convinced? Lets look at it from an economical stand point. You see, there are not that many programs with bone tools, but since it's so easy to use, people are always on the look out for them. You know, I almost used blander instead of mine-imator because of the bone tool. When you start announcing that a free kick-ass 3-d animator for a popular game, more people are going to notice it. And more people means more money. (Adfly). And... Well... That's all I got. BUT TRUST ME THATS NOT ALL THE REASONS WHY YOU HEAR ME?!??! derp.
  19. I think there should be more ranks on the forums besides Chat Mod and Moderators. I'm not saying that the ranks should have permissions like kicking people from the chat and stuff that Chat Mods and Moderators have, just having the rank to show it off... For example: If I was a rigger and made pretty good rigs for the people of the forums I could request to have Rigger rank.The moderators would be the judge on if I could get that rank. Or I was a top notch animator and I made animations I could request to get Animator rank. Just a suggestion.
  20. So I got this idea where you can't join them (sometimes) because you don't know what they're Roleplaying. You get bored sometimes because you don't know what to do. So maybe David can put a Roleplay room in chatroom. Like servers. What this does is, you create a new room in chatroom then name it (e.g. "Fantasy") Then when some guys join in then you all have been started, all you need to lock it or like (e.g. "Fantasy" - Running) Then in the chat room, when you want to RP, but all room is running. You just chat with others waiting, or what you can do is leave the chat. Another thing is, you can also limit the time in the RP room you've created and limit the number of people who can join. So maybe that's all and I hope David add this. Thanks for reading
  21. My brother makes AMAZING rigs, but they use allot of items and sometimes blocks. Example: Anyway, it would be cool if there was a way that I didn't have to scroll down a thousand items to edit something. So in a way, it's a .schematic, but it would be mine-imator made. So, you can make a model on mine-imator, and compress it into a .schematic instead of a .mani file. But obviously not a schematic, it would have to be a different file. I know that coding and stuff isn't easy, but if it is possible, I'm sure some people would be in support! Post if you are, and if you're not. Want more of my brothers rigs? Just go to the first or second link I sent you. Want to see them in action? Go to the third!
  22. So, we have a tab down the bottom but I just had a random idea, why not a side bar showing the most liked topics today. e.g. Just a suggestion.
  23. well hi ,this is my second post about rigs,and i think you can help me growing up on this,so i want to make some rigs about monsters,and if you want aso robots,so i want you suggest me a rig to make,like pacific rim or that,so : What is it: how do you want it: image: so fill that if you want a rig,and hope this helped you! thanks for replying!
  24. Another suggestion. WHOA. I don't know if this would be hard to manipulate into the program, but I know that an onion skin effect, where the previous frames (only in the animating process) would be visible over the current one, would be really useful. You've probably seen this in any other animation program.
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