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Everything posted by AzelfandQuilava

  1. I think Quilava deserves a Mineimator form, don't you?
  2. Un-likely, but a good idea non the less.
  3. It doesn't really look like a POW uniform though...
  4. Personally the Army clothes look very weird to me, I'd suggest having the characters wear "Militia"-like gear (backpacks, gloves, masks, etc).
  5. Anyhow, the rig looks nice.
  6. Can I join? Possibly as a Field-Medic in the background?
  7. Can you please make the Crusaders' Crossbow?
  8. Is it only the RED version?
  9. Lies! It's never warm in the British Isles!
  10. Try another WW2 weapon, the Thompsons you made were awesome.
  11. If they haven't taken down the billion semi-clones of Minecraft on the App store, then they're extremely un-likely to take down an Animation maker.
  12. Try making a rig of a Thompson, either the common Mafia version or the Military version should work.
  13. It was pretty decent, but the rifles were huge, also the animation was kind of dull, but all in all it was okay.
  14. If possible, you should re-add those models as "examples" for the editor.
  15. Odd name, good model though.
  16. Can I be a background character on Cloud City or on the Rebel Cruiser in Episode VI?
  17. Technically it'll still be Star Wars (Even if the end result is terrible).
  18. Can you make both the RED and BLU versions of the weapons?
  19. Nice, good job on this rig.
  20. Can I be an extra? If a so, my skin is under that handsome chap with the bonesaw to the left.
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