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Everything posted by Entibrine303

  1. Huh.. weird... Why is no one here...? Something's off, I know this. More and more things have been geting... "off"... lately... I... I can't help but believe that this has something to do with... him... or, well... me...
  2. I don't know if that will enable it, but maybe try enabling the rotation gizmos under the workbench icon. Also, there's some text in the top right corner Wich I can't read, but you might be in the simple mode. I don't know for sure though.
  3. The outlines can be replicated easily with a couple of simple techniques, there's a list @Cable_HHH made with a few of the simplest. They should still work in modern versions. The light bouncing is already in mine-imator, you can enable/disable it and change it's accuracy and strength under the render settings. for the light rays it's a bit more complicated, but there's a couple of tutorials on YouTube for it.
  4. Oh... Oh god... It's happening again... The corruption is spreading further... 1 shouldn't h4v3 c0m3 t0 th1s V1ll4g3... 1 4m putt1ng th31r l1v3s 4t r1sk...
  5. Nice model! As for the image, you can go to the "images" tab of your imgur profile and click the image you want to out into your post. Next to your image, you should now see some options, from Wich you should copy the text under "direct link". Then, in mine-imator forums, click the button on the lower right of the text field where it says "insert image from URL" and paste that link there! It should work and if it doesn't, feel free to ask me for any advice.
  6. Of course, you can download it here: https://www.mediafire.com/view/l2c9n9xatbwazib/EntiBrine303.png/file (It's normal Minecraft skin size)
  7. Hey, You asked for permission to use my music in your animation. You can use it as long as I am credited of course!
  8. Day one of reminding you that I accept song requests for free on my discord server until I finally get a second request

    1. kazooha


      perfect timing! I think I might need a free music lol

    2. Entibrine303


      @kazooha then go join my discord server! That's where you can give me the requests.

  9. I'm currently working on a new model, will probably upload it next week or so

    (Join my discord to get it a lil earlier)

    1. Red Creeper
    2. Entibrine303


      It'll be a surprise, but I might post a few sneak peeks on discord 


    (special thanks to @Paul5 6, @rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr and @CanIIA for being some very good friends this year)

    1. Fover


      I hope you have a great year!

    2. Paul5 6

      Paul5 6

      i never saw this lol

  11. Thank you! I put my heart and soul into making these so I'm happy to see that people like my work.
  12. Merry Christmas Everybody! Can't believe the year is almost over, wow... Welp, here's a quick little render I made! (It features some of my friends wich aren't on the forums.) See you soon!
  13. Entibrine303

    Help friends

    For animation AnxiousCynic, for modeling in Modelbench SharpWind I guess.
  14. Entibrine303

    Help friends

    You can find Mine-Imator tutorials by SharpWind(his old videos) and AnxiousCynic(like Red Creeper said) and for models, there's plenty free models on the forums(like mine )
  15. I don't own a Mac but I guess since you can't open it I guess that Blockbench Mac was made for other versions of the macOS.
  16. Sorry, but the download to these models was on my discord server exclusively, but seeing that I recently revamped the server and deleted the old one, there's no download currently available for the models. You could ask people that 1. Commented on the topic or 2. Are in my discord server, the link to it is on my profile description.
  17. Because your account exists for like a year and your first interaction with the forums is this. Your name is a full human name, Wich I have only seen in these people who post a comment under a topic and then later update it with a scam link. Also, this post is a victim of many of these posts, I just reported them and they got deleted in response.
  18. Dude I know you're gonna update your comment to have some kind of scam link why is it always this topic
  19. Yep, but it's three Normal, EntiBrine 303, Null-Zero
  20. Fr The song is even pretty fitting with my lore
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