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Everything posted by tutibrave

  1. I actually solved the problem by using a resource pack.
  2. This issue is found in Mine-imator 1.2.4. So, I ran Mine-imator 1.2.4, and I actually found the default item sheet completely empty! How do I fix this issue on Mine-imator 1.2.4?
  3. I watched 3 of AnxiousCynic's how to make a character rig tutorials to make this rig. That means I made it myself! Also, did you notice that it is also compatible with Community Build? I made this rig with Community Build!
  4. Please increase my community reputation.
  5. Hello, this a Steve Rig that is made as the AnxiousCynic version! It has a face rig, a 3D shirt, 3D hair, 3D shoes, and fingers! It is compatible with Mine imator 1.0.6. [It is also compatible with Mine imator Community Build] Here's the download link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/mh4meo5mwxprrbf/Steve+[AnxiousCynic+Version].object/file
  6. I just made a wallpaper having Purple Guy with a knife meaning he's gonna kill you.
  7. Now I fixed the topic. Anyone who told me to insert a picture has to report it.
  8. MojangYang, you're being off topic! You're just telling me to get kicked out of Mine-imator! I'm not moving to Blender! I don't know how I am gonna bend on a Minecraft rig! Also, I have downloaded Blender and tried it.
  9. Guess what. I always got this issue. Even when I started Mine-imator. The issue is that Mine-imator always takes 3 minutes [or more] to load. I wanted this issue to stop. So, how can I get rid if this issue?
  10. Hello, Mine-imator newbies! I will show you how to make bendable ankles without rigging! Step 1: Clip part of the character's feet. It's easy!
  11. WHAT!!!!? NIMI IS LEAVING!!!!? Wait a minute. Did someone just talk about Modelbench? Well, why don't I just create a model? Wait, MojangYang, why do you hate Minecraft 1.16?
  12. So, I was thinking that in the next Mine-imator update, rigs for softwares that aren't for Mine-imator can be compatible with Mine-imator! So, Nimi, if you're seeing this, then program Mine-imator with the features I want, and you can also add improved lighting into the update, and use other features that you can think of.
  13. How do I make bendable wrists and ankles without using your rig? I'm working on my new rig and I want my rig to have bendable wrists and ankles that are 3 pixels tall.
  14. You've made one mistake. You colored the pupils light green instead of light blue. Copy and paste the code below to fix the pupils' color. 9CAEAF
  15. So, I was also saying that if someone can also make a Black Plasma Studios Steve rig.
  16. I made my new Fat Herobrine rig. Here's the download link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/qq17dcfxujjbfvr/Fat+Herobrine.miobject/file I've also made a rig using my skin. Here's another download link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/igzma70y9ofp5no/tutibrave.miobject/file
  17. I want a Steve rig that is MrFudgeMonkeyz styled. So, can someone make a MrFudgeMonkeyz Steve rig?
  18. In the post, under the first row, I said, "I'm too lazy to place a picture."
  19. Hello Minecraft animators! This is my first post on the Mine-imator forums. I made a 3D Diamond Sword Rig that is advanced! Here's the download link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/gazm6jfa7aapmrb/3D+Advanced+Diamond+Sword.miobject/file I credit AnxiousCynic for the 3D parts.
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