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Everything posted by ZeroFallention

  1. Alicorn from Ace combat 7 DLC Important: 1.This gives great fps impact. 2.never Ever Claim this rig as yours,if you used it Credit me no matter what preview: ,The Download link is in the Description of the video
  2. i am trying to be active here yet i cant :kek:

  3. Once again,The original is from sharp's cgi short flim i only remade it in mi If you used it please credit and dont take out the parts and use it on your rigs. Dont ever use it on monster school shit.or else die Additional information here here is the download link if you are too lazy to Go to youtube and click the link https://modeliachaika.blogspot.com/2021/12/bory-read-desc.html theres also some prview on the model dont worry,and also a gif demonstarte how it moves just in case somebody doesnt know how to move it Yes i am looking at you black :lmao:
  4. Meet Bory orginal from sharp s cgi Short film -Again,i remade it in Mi End. It cost me alot of hours to make this so yea,There you have it Bory. Not sure if it will be public or not
  5. Meet Bory the Bory from the Sharp's district of bory the bory of the bory I made Sharp's Bory in Mi
  6. lx-asoki class: supporter details unknown
  7. A mecha that was Designed for Close combat Propeties,looks Smiliar to Lx-03 Asoki because it was based on that the driver: kingwi x-0212038 Main Weapon: LD-29 Kovarchi Ld-29 is a Long Energy Blade manufactured by Rhanatien mavart Company. Secondary weapon: LD-37 Jikaneshi Ld-37 A Shorter version of Ld-29 But Has More Energy than LD-29
  8. asjewjkhdkauydwijshdewjdjkwhuewjhfewuhfewhjdbwhjdhwevfhwbdhjwgfywbmnfbwg
  9. I made @Pardus [Art]'s mecha. the story and weapons: Project-Valkryo A001-Driver name: Pardus Cronowel :Valkryo A001 -Valkryo was Designed For Stealth Attacks so it packs Firepower for Destroying targets Faster than Any Mecha that they created,Ai system: Male. -Pardus Cronowel: A Test pilot of Valkryo A001,Aliance of Verkaral same team as the "reaper" Christation At first Pardus and Valkryo didnt like Chirstation and Darkwind same as Christation and darkwind they Dont like Pardus and Valkryo as well when they meet.They always Argue with each other and shit,that all changed when War of visra happened,long story short Pardus is a good supporter,Chris is a Good destroyer. Since the war ended,Pardus had no fun in the Aliance so he left and went on a trip over the world same as Chris aswell Weapons: 2x Dual Laser cannon,2x2 He torpedo launcher 2 Nice and thicc Shield Seceret tip: do you know you can request a mecha of your own in my discord server?
  10. Hello,I am Fallen i make Rigs and models,which quite doesnt fit.i am still a newbie or whatsoever,Nice to meet you all Late reply btw
  11. Choco latte Toblerone hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  12. Transforming mecha the Enternal Pain of Mech making please do give feedbacks to help me Improve
  13. Note: i made chris s mecha(some cool guy in sharp s district),its a shame that i cant add more weapons to it or else i would add more stuff and make Chris suffer ?,anyways it turned out well,and we both agree that she s laggy as fuc,and private i wont post the Transformation gif here weapons: M567,BIG ASS LONG JAPANESE KATANA and fingers,yes fingers Darkwind mortuga: ay yo watch yoy jet
  14. X-Crafer CRT 24 NS first Generation drone,and of course this a cringe edgy drone https://modeliachaika.blogspot.com/2021/06/x-crafer-crt-24.html DO NOT MODIFY WITHOUT PERMISSION.CREDIT THE CREATOR,More Pictures at Modeliachaika^^^-Fallen Credit:Niam for the render
  15. Kearlass-quantom Knight transformable mech https://modeliachaika.blogspot.com/2021/06/kearlass-quantom-knight.html More infomation + pictures on Modellachaika ^^^ -fallen Credit: Niam for the render Be Sure to Credit me
  16. This Battleship can lag laptop recommend for duplicating `10 times. BE sure to Credit me- More InfoMation on Modeliachaika. -Fallen https://modeliachaika.blogspot.com/2021/06/grantis-apolcyus.html DO NOT MODIFY WITHOUT PERMISSION.CREDIT THE CREATOR. Credit: Niam for the render
  17. in the end they all died
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