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Everything posted by LuckyMunch

  1. The lighting is great! The character placment is good as well. The only thing I would change would be... the second pickaxe. It makes no sense to have one and make another, it just dose not fit.
  2. I am very new to MI, and I would like to create an animation, I need the animation to look like 12 frames per second animation. How would I execute that?
  3. Dose this rig come with auto 3d?
  4. Here is my newest model, feel free to make changes and upload it, credit me if done. You may use this for 'commercial' purposes... with or without credit, some things may be off a pixel or 2, but enjoy! click this for the picture.... other options was a 'no go' CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
  5. this rig is nice! Dose it come with a facial rig?
  6. I am running windows on my mac, and thx for helping me! 1080x1920 (Other way around) actually worked, thank you!
  7. So this is more of a question, I have purchased a mac, and I like to use model bench, I downloaded it and started it up, using boot camp on my mac that is. After opening ModelBench, modelbench zooms out, what is teh screen resolution for model bench?
  8. LuckyMunch


    This rig took a total of 2 hrs to make possible, should I make this rig public? Here is screenshot
  9. When a player comes close to them, they start playing a song and its really loud so it kills the irl player, not the ingame play LOL
  10. Oh ok! Thank you! Do u mind leaving the link do there rigs?
  11. Its mr darls fnaf character rig pack, can't find the link, they r .mimodel I believe
  12. So I wanna edit a specific rig I downloaded off the internet, when I try to import it into mole bench it dose not let me! Help!
  13. I like the camera angle and lighting! I like how it was set up, the camera angle makes it look more, whats the right word? oh yea dramatic.
  14. I like it! Great job! The colors and lighting is perfect.
  15. what is the screen resolution for mine-imator so the UI is the perfect size and not zoomed in or out?
  16. LuckyMunch

    Zoomed Out!

    I am basic in mine-imator, this issue has never existed, every app on my windows machine is zoomed out, not just MI, ModelBench, Premier Pro, and so on. Did that, not working. You were indeed correct, screen resoulution was the issue! all fixed, I am running windows on a mac so its prob that. Thank you! Thanks for helping with the issue! The issue has been resolved, I appreciate your great efforts.
  17. What rig is this based of of, also, love it!
  18. LuckyMunch

    Zoomed Out!

    When I downloaded mine-imator on my windows 10 laptop, mine-imator was zoomed out, I tryed so many things to fix it... what do I do?
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