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Craft inator

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Everything posted by Craft inator

  1. I don't care if you hate it because its fad but I mean you all hate fad but I just wanted to post this for CC if you downvote it I don't care cuz I use discord now but cc would be nice instead of just downvoting.
  2. I hope this is better than my last animatronic that got -10 rep but I have practicing making rigs and using transitions thus not posting during that time I hope this is good Enjoy!
  3. CC appreciated don't dislike just because the topic fad!
  4. Got around to making Chicka and made some updates.
  5. Ok I fixed most of this and also made Clyde sorry if this is rushed I basically have no time to work on these but I hope I find time later to make Chicka CC appreciated
  6. It's simple because I'm on vacation and didn't have a lot of time but I will fix the eyes thank you.
  7. Hey Guys I know you going to say this sucks and why fad and all that but I don't want you to just dislike it because it's fad but just look at the rig I don't exspect this to get rep but her I hoping to finish the set.
  8. This has gotten way to off topic but I still listened and fixed it I don't think anyone will really look here anymore but I still liked fixing it.
  9. My Rep is out but later on +1 Hahaha!
  10. Ok this has gotten off topic but I fixed most Of the wallpaper I still need to figure out how to do better lighting but I hope this is better.
  11. Well thanks guys I'll try to fix it. @Slime & @-StickyMations- Thanks for taking your time and giving me the feedback I need You two both help me the most so thanks! @TheLanPlayz88 I'm not lazy just new to this but hey Instead of just Disliking more than half my stuff maybe tell me why you don't like it and what to fix.
  12. Hey guys I wanted to practice making rigs today because I SUCK at making them and so I made a wallpaper for it I didn't have an idea of what to name this so I just looked at the background haha! Well anyways Enjoy!
  13. Here is a preview it's my first time doing shoes it has some flaws but enjoy.
  14. That's Epic but the torch shouldn't emit that much light against the T.N.T (Earned my upvote) Assuming it's a spotlight make the range of it lower.
  15. Yah the glowstones were hard because they could make it not as dark for what I as going for so this was the closest I could Get
  16. Not my best one and still need to do after effects but here CC appreciated.
  17. I fixed a little bit I couldn't move the Crafting table tough so I added a flower instead and I also trying closing his eyes but that didn't look good but I think this is better for now.
  18. Hey guys this is a quick wallpaper I did for practice and to see if I was getting better with shadows and lighting which to me I seem to be anyway Enjoy! -Castel walls in background are not mine. -Scythe is made by me using paint.net!
  19. Hey guys I really screwed up the rig last time so I fixed everything. -Mouth works -gloves work -Hands have Improved -eyebrows work I hope this pays off for the bad one enjoy. http://www.mediafire.com/file/5c9pjhdrye1m24r/Steve.miobject
  20. Thanks sooooooooo much I seem to need a lot of work so I'll go download your rig thankyou!
  21. There should be one it would be really useful.
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