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Everything posted by MasterArcher12

  1. But, if you go into Resources, Minecraft and click "Block Sheet" in Display Image, you can still access the block sheet, but the animated ones are on a different file. The same happens with enchantment tables, anvils, bookshelves, etc because an object cannot have more than one texture at a time and enchantment tables, anvils, bookshelves, etc... all have multiples texture files. (ex) Enchantment Tables: {enchanting_table_bottom, enchanting_table_side, enchanting_table_top, enchanting_table_book} Anvils: {anvil_base {anvil_top_damaged_0 OR anvil_top_damaged_1 OR anvil_top_damaged_2}} Bookshelves: {bookshelf, planks_oak}), and that's the problem with sceneries.
  2. So, I figured out that the new Mine-imator doesn't use the old block sheet... And, I'm figuring a way to animate water, lava, etc... in a new resource pack, but you can only add one texture in one object! The thing is, I'm using a resource pack and trying to change the textures of the scenery, but it has a river, and I can't find a way to change the river texture because the new block sheet doesn't contain water and it can't be animated even if it was in there. P.S. it's 128*128 so Mine-imator crashes
  3. That's my first full-length complete animation, used for testing out some features (ex) swirling potion particles) and also using my new skin.
  4. So, how do I change the textures of the enchanting table? I can't seem to do it because it's not in the blocks.png and it's separated into 3 images, top, side and bottom.
  5. Um, yeah. It glitches
  6. I'm having troubles with a 1.19MB sized texture pack. First, I select the resource pack, next I poen it, and it renders the same as the default MC texture pack, so I tried it again and it crashed. Size is 1.19MB, as said.
  7. Hello my name is (not) Connor I am (not) from America and I (don't) (not) like people who doesn't care about me and I also (not) (don't) care about people who can't (not) (not) understand this. (Not) lol. MC Username: ConnorTheArcher Occupation: Student Where I Live: Milky Way->Solar System-> Terrerestrial or whatever you call it Planets -> Earth -> Asia -> Korean Penninsula -> Republic of Korea -> Do NOT ask any more My Channel: I don't have one. I do have one but it never comes out because I have no videos and no subscribers, no likes and ABSOLUTELY NO ACTIVITY My Twitter and G+: Working on it! Facebook: No. Just No. Other Social Media: Naver: No Daum: No Yahoo: No Scratch: Sure.
  8. Don't use the number sin the right. Use the thing where you can move with your mouse by dragging, the xyz grid like thing.
  9. Cool (Sarcastic) I just posted a new topic that has the same issues cuz I forgot i did this :/
  10. That's not how it works. I didn't get the archive, And all my FORMER works are saved but not the ones after the last open. Yeah, I have not dug deeper.
  11. When I close a project, it sometimes doesn't show the "Save changes before quitting?" screen and all my work gets lost.
  12. Okay, so after making a whole bunch of lightsabers, i closed it and it didn't show me the save option, instead it just closed and it saved nothing except for the ground and the time. Give me my project back
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