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Everything posted by astrosan

  1. Hey, this is suck. i load my robot object - [community 1.0.3 load] -> Real Render 120FPS, Nomal FPS- 280fps. but, [1.1.0 load] - Real Render 50FPS, Nomal FPS- 100FPS. what the...? and font so big.
  2. Animoo? yes. but, i more used assault rifles from Fps game roblox? haha... cloth sound - ender dragon wing sound. hahaha. I have to try moving the sound by other means.
  3. Participate. The deadline has not been set yet?
  4. It is a video that really hits [bone].
  5. Nice Camera view, Nice Music, Nice Motion. But one thing is that the motion is not smooth. When you insert a diamond sword, you can adjust the axis of rotation. Apart from that, it was a good video.
  6. oh. sorry, head size - 0.8. It is intended. In fact, after a lot of trial and error, that body rate was created. I want to make a character that matches the human body rate as much as possible. He basically has sleepy eyes. To be honest, it is simply my taste. But apart from that, it is true that he came to sleep. THANK YOU. At first I moved the item, but it was unnatural. So the pistol was held in both hands and made to appear at each position.
  7. Thank you. A lot of research to back in the future a better image.
  8. Oh... Thank you. sword is very heavy.. am... 8~15kg?
  9. ENJOY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKpIOnsk-gcwHXIzuk24ExA - PIKO TARO! MADE IN MINE IMATOR ANIMATION - ASTROSHAN
  10. Customize charater RIG. / It was modifying the existing human ratios were arbitrarily. / They lack paste the cube to replace the arm's length and adjust the length. - Average size of the arm that is visible to the human wrist and fingers because the shorter arm which is made to give paste fingers. ! :: The size of the hand should be no difference in the thickness of the arm. - Adjust the length of the bridge will put the cubes, and put your shoes can give according to taste. Head size also cater for 0.90size, or you may have to adjust to an appropriate size view. # It is also good to make the neck connecting the head and body. so if a customized character has been completed, it gives better decorated. well! good LUCK!
  11. The original author's permission is required instantly give it. Notes receive permission to post on the bulletin board. I will be allowed to think.
  12. /midea/ I LOVE MAGIC! oh, Technology... that not. [ Skill ] sorry, i don't speak English....
  13. what? this video first video? i'm don't trust. because this video motion fantastic!!! i like you. i like this video.
  14. Good Motion. i like this test movie.
  15. hm... This is I had made video footage made to use weapons tests. It is marked in the source of background music video. But you don't know you left the source in here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BvKt4pRWmE Thank you for watching video I am english is clumsy . Time to study because many things to do but study english is the time . Hope you understand me . I am a korean . why would this word is that my immature confusing , since wedon't know in english. Maybe now I can also not to violate grammar, which has a little thing. I'm sorry. MY NAME IS ASTROSHAN , KOREAN IMATOR.
  16. Thank you. Initial plan was to chase the airship. However, I am grateful.
  17. What about now? Is it still intact?
  18. The Flyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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