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Everything posted by Dlljs

  1. *Tom overhears Garry* Tom: Hmm, looks like someone is clueless. Ed, go brief the person. *The glide finishes and the ship heads straight for the colony.*
  2. *The colony is in sight. Tom breaks the ship's orbit by heading towards the planet. Supercruise is disengaged and the ship starts gliding towards the planet.
  3. A well known YouTuber got lost in a field.
  4. Tom: Right. Let's jump to Supercruise. 5 4 3 2 1 Engage! *The ship is now in Supercruise, heading for the planet. Tom steers the ship to get it into orbital cruise.*
  5. Tom: *through ship loudspeakers* Ladies and gentlemen, I have received a message from a recon ship at Ghenocz 7 that almost a quarter of the population has been wiped out. We need to get there and fast. Newcomers, Ed will tell you what to do. Everyone else, to action stations! We are heading to Supercruise.
  6. STORY CHANGE! There are Kerbals on Ghenocz 7 and one befriends us.
  7. *At this time, all of the ships have jumped out of Supercruise to fight.*
  8. Tom: ETA is about 20 minutes. You got plenty of time.
  9. *Frame Shift Drive charged. Prepare for hyperspace jump.* 5 4 3 2 1 Engage! *Ship exits hyperspace in front of the main star in Supercruise. Tom steers the ship towards Ghenocz 7. Current speed: 11.36c (11.36 times the speed of light). ETA: 56 minutes.*
  10. *Frame Shift Drive is charging. Prepare for hyperspace jump.*
  11. ((No! Don't write that. That's a spoiler! Quick everyone, close your eyes!))
  12. ((I don't really know this universe. I just made up a name and off I went.))
  13. Tom: Okay, everyone's on board. Let's go to the Dianies system. *Course is set. All doors are locked. The engines roar to life and the ship lifts up off the ground. Landing gear retracted. The ship flies away from the planet. 2 minutes until out of the planet's gravitational pull.*
  14. Tom: Oh, is it? Well, I don't suppose we ought to go and save them.
  15. *Tom notices this but doesn't know what to do, so he uses the loudspeakers.* Tom: *STATIC* -ting, testing, 1 2 3. Ah, good. This is working. Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. Would Ed please come to the cockpit for scanner diagnostics. AND PLEASE HURRY!
  16. *Tom heads into the ship.* Tom: This ship sure doesn't look good. Tell you what, I'll head into the cockpit and see if that works. *He does so. Once he gets in, he starts up the ship. Holograms flicker and the lights turn on.* Ship Voice: All systems online.
  17. Text to hard to read. (Comic Sans shows as some fancy hard to read font on iOS.) Remade in default font:
  18. ((That's your own ship, right?)) *Tom also approaches the ship's door, but turns around to see Ed & Mike* Tom: Ed?
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