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Everything posted by Dlljs

  1. I played the video in Windows Media Player.
  2. So I exported an animation with audio, which worked well. But when I go to watch the exported movie, the audio plays but the video doesn't. Here is the video: (Download removed, fixed problem.) Any suggestions of how to fix this?
  3. Reminds me of Elleguard from Minecraft: Story Mode.
  4. Remember, remember, the fifth of November,Gunpowder, treason and plot,I see no reason why gunpowder and treason,Should ever be forgot.Credits:Guy Fawkes skin by Galax: http://www.planetminecraft.com…Policeman Skin by lolman: http://www.planetminecraft.com…Torch Rig by DarkToonLink45: www.mineimatorforums.co…All textures excluding skins by Mojang. Info:Created with Mine-imator 1.0.1 FULL.Learn more about the Gunpowder Plot here. Original can be found on DeviantArt.
  5. 2photoshop4me! I don't use apps like photoshop in my pictures. Why?
  6. New art coming tomorrow (Nov 5th, GMT)! Can you guess what it will be about?

  7. Dlljs

    Steve Rig v1

    Why the ridiculously huge eyes??
  8. So I have updated Mine-imator to 1.0.1, I launch it and this happens: This has happened before, but in the app itself: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/46158-microsoft-visual-c-runtime-error-on-mine-imator-100/ This is using my Windows 10 computer. My other computer, which uses Windows 7, doesn't have this error. Any suggestions to fix this?
  9. Here's a cool one I've found: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/46048-minecraftstory-mode-jesse-rig
  10. Dude, where's the picture?
  11. One problem: Solution: Include the skin with the download, preferably in a zip file.
  12. So I go to Mine-imator 1.0.0, I make a new project and this happens: This is using my Windows 10 computer. My other computer, with uses Windows 7, doesn't have this error. Any suggestions?
  13. It was released either overnight or this morning in my timezone (GMT).
  14. Rabbits can be fed dandelions! Or so says Ryan Holtz... Mine-imator 1.0.0 was released on this day! So I made this picture to test out the new features (e.g. rabbit rigs as standard). All textures excluding my skin by Mojang. Original can be found on DeviantArt.
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