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Everything posted by Varen

  1. Does that mean he is shipped with his own family member?
  2. shhhh its hard to get really good lighting in mineimator it aint as advanced as sfm What cow?
  3. Watching little kids fight is pretty fun man
  4. Hey guys and gals here is the final wallpaper its a shot of the entire courtyard,If you don't see yourself and you gave me a skin I'm sorry that you got blurred to the max. Anyways here it is Rig Credits Like every rig here is from Blox And all the forumers skins that you can see are tags. If you want a more indepth look at the area's here are all the past wallpapers If you enjoyed remember to leave a like.imma go into hibernation again
  5. Thats supposed to be there though
  6. Its SKIBBZ's birthday so you should wish him happy birthday and make him stuff lmao

  7. Hay guys and girls again,here is once again another wallpaper this is the 2nd last one go away rule of thirds k bye
  8. My computer got cleansed so I lost stuff but I still found the wallpapers so its k, I'm just trying to post all of em by this week Hay guys and gals and heres another medieval wallpaper with a shot of the stables If you enjoyed remember to leave a like
  9. Since when did live action disney movies have muscial numbers :(

    1. Varen


      and cruella de vil turned black i think

      *remembers highschool muscial*

  10. Happy Birthday SKIBBZ
    (Yay im the first)

    1. Nimi


      I was just about to say that. ;-;

    2. SKIBBZ


      Thaaaaanks Vaeren.

  11. Have any of y'all heard jackpot by Jocelyn Alice on the radio its a really good song <3

    well actually only if you live in Canada since I'm pretty sure its only in canada

  12. ✈️??

    damn mate.

    1. Varen


      found that on good ol friendly youtube comment section

      I think you guys know what it means

    2. BOOMmaker


      We're flying to a mall to shop?

    3. Mineupfast


      BOOM has the right idea.

      We're living like kings. We fly to places, not drive.

  13. Well I asked for skins and blocker gave me it also why would you need warm clothing in that weather? oh and he actually stole the cart but no one seems to notice so far.
  14. Hay guys and gals here IS another wallpaper in the series(I guess) that I am doing about a Castle Courtyard this one is about a man with a horse and a cart coming into the area,not much sorry but eh. Also you can see there that his foot is lodged into the cart, so uh just pretend that his shoe is apart of the cart and he is putting his foot that has a shoe into the bigger metal shoe,even though thats not how it works and I am too lazy to re render :). Like all of the rigs in these wallpapers are made by Blox,so credits to him. P.S Im probably only gonna have like 1 or 2 left I'm not sure,then the final one after those. If you enjoyed this wallpaper remember to leave a like!
  15. Hay guys and gals here is another wallpaper in the series,most of them arent as good as the first and the last(probably) but here is a wallpaper of one of the castle guards. If you enjoyed it remember to leave a like. (I took a nap and forgot) (blox did stuff)
  16. I just placed lights willy nilly for this one
  17. Hey guys and gals here is another wallpaper in the series of wallpapers,its just a Blacksmith with his trainee in the backround. In my opinion it isnt as good as the first one but eh here it is If you enjoyed it remember to leave a like! blox did stuff
  18. Dangit , they have finally uncovered me!


  19. Thanks but I made everything on the spot because I have barley any knowledge on Medieval times.
  20. Only Slayers are aloud boi. Thanks yee
  21. Hey there guys and gals,I am going to make a series of wallpapers all based in a Castle Courtyard,I'm pretty sure some will look better then others (This one is my favourite so far) and when I do like half of the areas in the courtyard I'll do one big shot of the entire courtyard. The entire shot might miss some effects that the smaller wallpapers have but eh. Anyways here it is If you enjoyed it remember to leave a like! (The wallpapers are going to contain the skins I asked from you guys)
  22. Wait how is my topic in the Popular Now

    If it isnt even in the Recent topics???

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