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Everything posted by kingnicolas27

  1. @LolDoge @IAmOnlyMasada Any download links for the Papyrus model? I can't seem to find one anywhere.
  2. @LolDoge Question, you see your wallpaper here? Mind sending me the download link to the Papyrus Model? Or posting a download link and sending it to me? I looked at the creators (of the Papyrus rig) youtube channel, mine-imator post, etc. It's nowhere to be found, mind sharing it with me? Thanks :D 



    1. LolDoge


      It was made by Masada, if you type in papyrus rig in the search bar you can easily find it :D

  3. @IAmOnlyMasada Question, are you going to make EVERY Undertale character in Mine-Imator? Or only a few?

  4. If anyone else has any suggestions that'd be nice ;P
  5. Hmm, I was gonna make it look like a large boulder with moss on the side, etc. But vines aren't working for me, so it'll just be a filler ig. I updated the pic though, what do you think?
  6. 1. Ah, but if you were to give it a 1 to 100 rating with it being as it is now, what would it be? 2. Any suggestions as to what scenery/what you'd think would look nice?
  7. Random thing I threw together (not complete yet), I don't expect it to be good in the slightest. Although i'd appreciate tips on how to make it better, etc. (1st version 5/21/16): Update #1 (5/21/16):
  8. Are you ever going to release your undertale rigs?

  9. Ah, thank you so much. Tbh I wanted to just simply say what I didn't like about it, but I sugar coated it with all that due to the worry of offending or upsetting anyone. Thanks for understanding though.
  10. Although this comment runs the chance of demotivating you, please know that's not my intention. I'm not trying to seem like i'm hating on it, as all i'm doing is voicing my own personal opinion towards these models. But I personally don't like this in the slightest. This mainly just stems off my preferred look on 3D ores, but I don't like the look of the ores at all. The look of the ores going inwards really turns me away from it. In my eyes, all of the ores, and mainly the nether quartz ore looks as if it's been chopped/stabbed up. I'd usually leave some constructive criticism, but being that I don't like any intruded 3D ores at all, I can't really think of any To you again, and anyone else that reads it please know that I can't stress enough: I'm not trying to seem like i'm hating/bashing down on you. Just wanted to voice my own personal opinion towards these models and I hope you could politely respect that choice. Thanks for reading.
  11. @BloxTheRigger

    Quick question. Remember my comment on your armor rigs page? Well just curious, but do you have any estimated date as to when you'd make a tutorial for that kind of stuff? I'd greatly appreciate it :D

    1. BloxTheRigger


      I don't :L
      But everyday I become increasingly more anxious to make some tutorials.

    2. kingnicolas27


      Welp, that's good to hear. :D Hope that *starts to realize how weird this is gonna sound* ehh, anxiety builds up more and.. uh more? xP


      You know what i'm tryin' to say ;P Just messin' with ya'. But yeah, hope it builds up fast enough/soon enough that you make a tutorial at one point. 

  12. Oh nonono XD. When someone says they're trash for something, it means it's their life now. It's everything they talk about, their favorite thing to do/play, etc.
  13. Ah I see. I'm so much undertale trash, you don't even know.
  14. @geotrax2001@blockerlocker@RainbowFox8391@Caeden117@Heavenira@Kaxx Attention! I've updated the rigs and pushed in the pixels a bit! The pixels are extruded by 0.5 pixels instead of 1 full pixel. What do you think? Better? Or worse?
  15. Thanks I'll be updating it now that I got home from school. The pixels will be 0.5 pixels out instead of a full pixel like they currently are. I'm not sure if that's good or bad? xP Will do! Also, you're right, as I said in a previous post was here around when "Meet The Pyro" was made and then left soon after. So this is literally all I know of when it comes to rigging XP. Also, thank you. Man, i'm guessing people must really like that bit of detail. I'm surprised to here that nobody has done that before me! But anyways, thanks!
  16. 1. Now that I think about it, I joined mine-imator around when Meet The Pyro was made in it. Cause I remember having access to the Team Fortress 2 characters, baby models, etc. 2. I don't even know who Zuexs is... xP (please don't stone me to death ;-; ) Mind telling me all about him? 3. I didn't even know there were trends going on with mine-imator, err? Wat? Like, trends as in what the community in a whole is doing/is into around the current time? If so, what would the current trend be? ;p 4. Yeah, the ore is also in the corners, so I had to extrude those too xP
  17. I know, but at one point people complained to me about quotes so I started to use "@" instead XP. Also, I messed around with the coal rig and looked at the pixels only being 0.5 pixels out of the block instead of a full pixel out. It looks so much better lol. So i'll be switching them all up tomorrow. Yeah. I've seen how they destroy the amount of time it would take to do something like this. I just have no idea where to go to learn about them. XP For now, i'll keep this as is. Once I learn about them/how to use them i'll be sure to update this as soon as possible.
  18. @PikaMasterzMC I stopped using Mine-Imator for about 2~ years. Just came back 1~ month ago XP I have no clue what you're talking about XD. I mean I saw an item sheet in an armor rig yesterday, but I don't have the slightest idea on how to use it, lol.
  19. @Kaxx Oh no. XP I was worried about that, but I kept going with them being one pixel out. Perhaps if I get enough demand for it i'll make it so they're 0.5 pixels out rather then a full pixel out of the ore block. Do you think that'd be better looking?
  20. Discontinued, don't download pls <Discontinued>
  21. Thank you so much everyone! Happy to see so much love and positive feedback!
  22. @BloxTheRigger Ah, I see. Can't wait till you make one, i'm looking forward to it! *reads your answer* I'll just keep an eye out for that tutorial, XP
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