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My top Five most Anticipated things for Demo 6

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Hey guys, there's probably a lot of other topics like this, but I'm in the middle of making an epic animation, and there were just a few things that irked me like crazy about mine-imator. So, here are my top five features that I hope will be added in demo 6, in order.


(P.S. If any of these features are actually doable in demo 5, and I just don't know it, PLZ TELL ME!!!)


5: The ability to parent / unparent things in the timeline.


4: The ability to create bending points anywhere in a shape / bodypart / item / pretty much everywhere.


3: Fix the bug when changing a Z-scale value in a character's arm, and then it becomes fat and distorted when bending it.

(if you've ran into this problem, you know what I mean...)


2: Make so items / shapes can have negative space.

(this would be INSANELY useful in, say, facial rigs... mouths would just be one simple hole in the head that we could re-size when he talks)


and my number one (I'm sure we were all thinking this)




Anyway, these aren't the only things I think need to be fixed, they're just the top on my list, and I just thought I'd complain to everyone else instead of sit here feeling bad all by myself (we can't have that, can we?)


So yeah, that's all :]

Edited by ironwavestudios
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