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It's awesome, though I notice that the bounce is a bit weird (according to physics [pfft who knows anything about physics]) it kind of moves weird to the right and left, and it kind of looks like it slides, and the way it moves to the left (again) is kind of a weird bounce (I need to stop saying kind of :/) movement, but overall, it's pretty good, and could use some improvement! (sorry if I made you feel like a bad animator with the whole long "physics lesson") 

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It's awesome, though I notice that the bounce is a bit weird (according to physics [pfft who knows anything about physics]) it kind of moves weird to the right and left, and it kind of looks like it slides, and the way it moves to the left (again) is kind of a weird bounce (I need to stop saying kind of :/) movement, but overall, it's pretty good, and could use some improvement! (sorry if I made you feel like a bad animator with the whole long "physics lesson") 

well i have droped a box before and i did that so...

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