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Storyboard maker needed for BlockyFilms!

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Hey all! :)


BlockyFIlms will be taking on its first project, but we need one more person: A storyboard maker! Our animatior, AlecAnimates, came up with the idea.


Here is the form if you want to be the storyboard maker!



Are you mature?:

Do you work well with others?:

Why do you want to join?:

Can you make storyboards?:

Can you give an example?:


And that's all there is to it! Hope to see you soon at BlockyFilms ;)


Sincerely, the BlockyFIlms staff.

Edited by Deminu
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Are you mature?:Depends.. If you dont catch me when I'm hyper (<---RARE)

Do you work well with others?: Yes, I currently partake in various youtube groups.

Why do you want to join?: Animator or storyboard

Can you make storyboards?: Yes

Can you give an example?: I dont as of right now :3

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Are you mature?:Depends.. If you dont catch me when I'm hyper (<---RARE)

Do you work well with others?: Yes, I currently partake in various youtube groups.

Why do you want to join?: Animator or storyboard

Can you make storyboards?: Yes

Can you give an example?: I dont as of right now :3


Welcome aboard! I'll add you to the Skype group ;)

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