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This is almost impossible and would require absolutely absurd amounts of work to function.

First, the program would have to be able to recognize and decode Minecraft mods. Not all mods are standard. This would no doubt be the hardest part. Secondly, it would have to scour the code to find models. Models are not stored as some kind of model file, they are stored as the locations of points which are read by Minecraft. Then, it would have to somehow generate a decent selection image and detect bendable body parts.

Sorry, but this just isn't gonna happen. It's been suggested before.

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This is almost impossible and would require absolutely absurd amounts of work to function.

First, the program would have to be able to recognize and decode Minecraft mods. Not all mods are standard. This would no doubt be the hardest part. Secondly, it would have to scour the code to find models. Models are not stored as some kind of model file, they are stored as the locations of points which are read by Minecraft. Then, it would have to somehow generate a decent selection image and detect bendable body parts.

Sorry, but this just isn't gonna happen. It's been suggested before.

So I repped you with that Long Speech, your Sig Picture and that Speech would make sense

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Unless Davvid completely re-coded Mine-imator to run the same script as mods, with both LUA and GLSL (Which is technically impossible) this would not work. I know what you're thinking. Most people think that programs can read stuff the same as MineCraft does, but MineCraft simply creates the illusion of a block, entity, ETC. In Mine-imator, the object needs to be a physical item that can be edited, positioned, retextured, rescaled, and so on. ^_^

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This is almost impossible and would require absolutely absurd amounts of work to function.

First, the program would have to be able to recognize and decode Minecraft mods. Not all mods are standard. This would no doubt be the hardest part. Secondly, it would have to scour the code to find models. Models are not stored as some kind of model file, they are stored as the locations of points which are read by Minecraft. Then, it would have to somehow generate a decent selection image and detect bendable body parts.

Sorry, but this just isn't gonna happen. It's been suggested before.

Is this more impossible then the recording in-game material that I suggested? :?

Edited by horace411528
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Is this more impossible then the recording in-game material that I suggested? :?

They are both pretty impossible, but I'd think this to be far more impossible. Your suggestion could possibly be turned into a mod, if a Mine-imator Animation Cycle format was added. .mcyc or something.

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Maybe after Mine-imator 1.0.0 has been finnish he can add this in Mine-imator PRO.

As I said before, it would be simply absurd to add. I'm sorry to says this, but don't get your hopes up.

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