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When it's time to say Goodbye

Message added by TopicLocker3000

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Oh, well... A member of a server where I spend 95% of my minecraft time for already two and a half year was banned.

The players usually being banned on this server only manage to stay for a few weeks before being caught stealing from other players, griefing, fool language etc. which is all against the rules. Due to their short time on the server and their low reputation, nobody really cares about them being banned.

However, this guy the video is about, Dan, was totally different from such a standard rule breaker. He "lived" on this server for months, built an own city, was friendly and very popular. Nobody would ever have guessed that he could once "break bad"... A few days ago, it came to light that he has tried to duplicate many very valuable items by abusing a great service offered by the server administrators. He got banned. With the lowest chance of return that you can imagine. The whole community was very upset about this... and sad because of loosing an actual good mate.

On my server, players beeing banned get a grave and a tombstone. Dan's grave is covered by flowers. And this little video is my final dedication to him. It's in the style of the death scene of Maximus in the "Gladiator"... at least, I tried my best.

Now, I've explained you. With the best English I can motivate to come out of my mind at the moment. Now, go and ask the other animators on these forums what's the story behind their videos. ;):D

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