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[New Series] Minecraft Life Update Topic

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I'm making a series using M-Imator, and I can't wait! Unfortunately the first episode I completed became corrupted somehow and I need to remake the entire episode all over again! (I can't even remember what the episode had).


So I started this status update for people to see how my series is going.



Update #1


Revealed name for the Series:

Minecraft Life


Revealed Cast:

Nickaye, as Jim

TheSpiderRider, as Tommy

MrDonoB, as Dave
MarioMineZ, as Fenci
Cobalt Monkey, as Lurker
Pitachai, as Collin
WhiteTiger_101, as Nate
Bo0ga, as Mike
Phun9837, as Thomas
DeminuEC, as Darrel 
AzelfandQuliava, as Timmy
And a robot named R.A.I (Robot Artificial Intelligence). R.A.I is pronounced ray
A blue zombie named General Bones (Season 1)
A hooded figure named Anon (Season 3)
A humanoid spider named Cooroon (Season 2)
A floating reaper named Mythlina (Season 1)
A giant monster named It. (Season 3)
I am taking 2 more people to be in the cast. Comment below and you will be one!
- Ore Master, as Ore
- creepjohnycreep, as Johny
Update #2
Finished the drawing of the robot: R.A.I or Robotic Artificial Intelligence. I have already started to rig R.A.I.



Update #3


A more advanced schematic for R.A.I has been designed and labeled.



R.A.I's appearance will be very identical to Dawn of War's Deff Dread/ Killa Kan.


R.A.I's personality revealed.

R.A.I is a very very complicated robot. His personality is nothing more than violence. He has dedicated his robotic life entirely to killing his foes. Although he has many friends, he will not hesitate to slay brutally right in front of them.


R.A.I enjoys the sight of his foes pleading for mercy and best of all, seeing his foes in pieces and bloody. He enjoys cutting open enemies and will also keep their heads as trophies on his "head."


R.A.I is not a robot to be messed with.


R.A.I's appearance revealed.

R.A.I is very identical to Dawn of War's Killa Kan/ Deff Dread.


Deff Dread:






His appearance is very scary. His legs are pure pistons that move, allowing slow but heavy movement. His right arm has an indestructible diamond pickaxe that he uses to stab, dig, mine, and pick up foes, while his left arm has an indestructible diamond sword he uses to stab, cut, and slash through his enemies.


He is a wooden robot powered entirely by redstone. His hands are pure pistons that uses to punch his enemies. His back is a stone tube, his engine. It pumps smoke that is red.


R.A.I is impervious to small arrows, but in the world of the series Minecraft Life, there will be heavy TNT cannons and fireballs. These can easily penetrate R.A.I's robotic armor, it can even kill him. There are also creatures that can cut through R.A.I's armor.


Despite R.A.I being a brutal killing machine, he has a friendly side, demonstrated when Renny, the creator of this series, gave him friends. He protects and serves his friends and will never harm them.


R.A.I has no ranged weapon, not even a dispenser. His only weapons are his piston hands, his diamond sword and his diamond pickaxe. 


Update #4

R.A.I's rig has been completed, thanks to RetroSquirrel.


Renny, the creator of this series, has delayed the production of the series.



I have delayed the series's production. Why? There's no point in making it now. With the current version of Mine-Imator, I can't make it how I want the series to turn out. So that is why I delayed the production. This means the series will not even be worked on at all. I have decided to resume the production of the series once 1.0.0 comes out. It will look a lot better than how I animate the series with the current version.

- Renny G. Rich'Lich




Those are the updates of my series! Remember there are 2 more spots left for the cast, so don't be late! Please include the following information if you are going to become one of the cast:


Your Minecraft Username (REQUIRED)

Your Minecraft skin (REQUIRED)

Your name you would want in the series (REQUIRED)

Your Youtube channel (OPTIONAL)


If you have anymore questions, PM me.

Edited by Renny G. Rich'Lich
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I would love to be in this as... the... squirrel... I guess. xD My skin is under my sig if ya need it :D Also, if you need a rigger for the robot, I'm yo man! :) Also, +1

Edited by RetroSquirrel
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 I'll as

Sure man! Also you will NOT be counted as a cast, but you will sure be counted as a pet squirrel in the group. If you'd want to be one of the cast member's pet, just PM them or me.


Also, you can rig R.A.I! It'd make it easier for me because remember I'm animating this series by myself, excluding voice acting from the cast.


Here's R.A.I's schematic:




I would love to be in this as... the... squirrel... I guess. xD My skin is under my sig if ya need it :D Also, if you need a rigger for the robot, I'm yo man! :) Also, +1

I'll also PM the details.

Edited by Renny G. Rich'Lich
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