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  1. ♪ "MY WORLD" - A Minecraft Original Music Video ♪ | The Fallen Guardians [S4 | E3] Lance is on a new mission to stop Entity 303 from rebuilding the End and conquering everything, so he will try to show support for Erivan, who will not spare him from a revenge against everything he suffered in the past.
  2. Music visuals for my original song 'Unprecedented' This is more of a 'music visual' than a 'music video', but I'm uploading it here anyways.
  3. Heres my Animation using the song "KaiKai Kitan" by Eve i uploaded this a while ago but never posted it on here. This took me 2 months and a bit to create. Hope you enjoy.
  4. Hey guys from the forum, I posted another animation on my channel! I would like you to see it and make comments about it, because I want to know where I'm going and always improve my animation !!
  5. Hey Guys! This is my new minecraft music video. I worked really hard on it. Please let me know what you think in the comments below!
  6. Hey guys from the forum, I posted another animation on my channel! I would like you to see it and make comments about it, because I want to know where I'm going and always improve my animation !!
  7. Hey guys from the Forum, well, I'm Animations Insider, I do minecraft animations at mine immator and I came to show my channel here on the forum. I already posted some of my animations here, but I would like to publicize my entire channel. So if you are interested, enter my channel and see my animations, you can give tips so that I can improve, and that's it, enjoy there. https://www.youtube.com/c/AnimationsInsider
  8. Hey animators, how are you? Well, I posted my new animation "Mayday" I would love for you to see it because it was an intense job to make this animation "perfect" in my taste. I would also like you to give constructive criticism about it and what I can improve.
  9. This is my first attempt on somethings that isn't fad. Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLZHcnuqscU Credit: -Hozq's hand model :https://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/79272-hozqs-hand-models-v3-mi-126-only/ -Kenimation's facial rig(I LOVE IT!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w2sUNFHkac&t=21s Character designs, weapons and world maps are by me
  10. Hello animators, everything ok with you? anyway today I announce my new minecraft animation made in mine imator !!!! this is the third part, if you want to see the others and the next parts, just subscribe to my channel and follow my profile here on mine imator forum !!! ?
  11. I make a music video (demons) I need some advice on animating.
  12. Not the best, but u can tell it was fun to make
  13. A short narrative music video about the current war on CivClassics, a hardcore anarchy server that I have played on. Don't worry if you don't understand the underlying story behind the animation; in short, a war between two power groups has seen both sides commit shady acts, involving many innocents and resulting in bans in some places. Thanks to everyone for getting me here, and special thanks to David. Without you, I doubt I'd be the creative person I am today. I made this in only 30 hours over two weeks, so a lot of the animation and editing is still a bit rough. All information is in the YouTube description. Hope you enjoy! -CK
  14. Hey everyone! Im working on a MineCraft Dancing/Music Animation called, 'Dancing in Style'. I got everything going on perfectly, except one, that is the girl who is sings and dance. Btw, the dance is not inappropriate, i do not make animations that is inappropriate for kids. Anyway, so I just need a girl to be in it. Also, to be in the animation, you will need to join the U.C.G. Team Community on Google+... easy... heres the link to it... https://plus.google.com/communities/102528977876302947812 Also, you only have the chance to join this before Monday!!! So think about it quickly!!! and Thx for Reading...
  15. This isn't completely made with MI, only the end computer scene is. The rest is made with SFM, and about 10 seconds are made with Blender. I'm kind of happy with how this one turned out, but I think that I should have made more BATIM so that I could attract a younger audience. Enjoy and tell me how I can improve the MI part.
  16. I know a lot of people here don't like fad, but I could honestly care less. I am proud of this animation, which took me a few weeks (2-3 months) Now, enjoy! :>
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3tSMGt9Yn8 I didn't format the link on purpose
  18. Hey guys! Today I made another 8-bit remix. And I am terribly sorry for the lack of a remix in May, so I will release two 8-bit remixes this month. This video features Dennis, an expert fighter but will not hurt anyone innocent. If he does he will feel excruciating emotional pain to the point of where he can't do anything. So filled with guild and remorse, he is destined to be an expert fighter.
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