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  1. So recently i just heard that mine-imator is coming out in about a month, and i feel like mine-imator needs more, just some small touches, and here is two of my ideas First Idea: Repeat mode So how dose repeat mode work ?, well have you ever wanted someone to just blink repeatedly so you don't need to edit his eyes to blink every time, well with Repeat mode you can chose something or someone to reapeat something like if you want someone to go in circles then you first make the animation and then you press repeat mode and chose what you want to repeat and how long you want it to repeat, let say if you want him to go in circles in 10 seconds, then you chose that, and when the repeat ends, you can start adding new animation to it, and this can be very helpful for repeating a certain body part, when they gets their own keyframe. Second idea: Breath mode and Shake mode well, not many animation programs have this, if you watch like Slamacow, most of the thing dosen't breath, like there body dosen't scale when breathing (maybe sometimes) but what if we had it, it would be so helpful to make something realistic or alive, and also you can chose how strong his breath and how fast it is, and i hade a idea for shake mode where the mode just shakes, like if someone is scared or if it's cold, you can just put it on shake mode and you can decide how fast he shakes and how strongly he shakes.. hopeful you see this David. Just something i had in mind. ​Made by TheRubinrux (obviously) ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
  2. So... I was thinking maybe all of us don't want the same theme. Maybe we could have DIFFERENT themes. Here are some ideas: Original Theme (This one) Winter Theme (The other one) Enderman Theme (Endermen everywhere!) Creeper Theme (Creepers!) Diamond Theme (Struck it rich!) Fighting Theme (Booty-kicking time!) Nether Theme (Ooh... scary) Wither Theme (He's always watching) Herobrine Theme (Run!) Tell me what you think!
  3. So... I was thinking maybe we should have a button in a keyframe that says 'Snap to ground' so we don't have to fuss over our character's feet partially in the ground or something. I think it would help us be more exact...? Possibly. (Note I do not know if this has been suggested yet) (I also do not know if something like this has been implemented yet.)
  4. Hey, i have an idea for rotation in mine imator, my idea is that you can choose ether to rotate from the middle or the bottom of the item. this would help with throwing items like axes and swords...
  5. I may be going overboard with the ideas here, but I think this is actually a good one... Maybe you could bookmark a topic so you can find it later without having to sort through search results or looking through a bazillion topics... (Yes, I know Google Chrome and all the browsers have a bookmark thing, but you probably wouldn't want to clutter it...) Like you can have a tab or something that says 'Bookmarked Topics' and under that all the topics you bookmarked... is it a good idea?
  6. I have been using this program for awhile, and I have to say, I love it! But there is one thing I hate, the bending. I looks chopped off and very ugly. Here is an example. These are pictures of bent limbs using other animation software. http://gyazo.com/218af090a75aac7f2fdf1300fffa9047 http://gyazo.com/ecab7702c54e026b492f026e3eed2072 Now here is Mine-Imator's bending limbs. http://gyazo.com/c7dea7fe90ffb1284dc221a30cbd359b http://gyazo.com/941ff2272ceed005cd9410223f2f123a See the difference? I certainly do. So maybe this could be a great improvement to this amazing software.
  7. I have an Idea for Mine - Imator Hello my name is Mheljean I some idea for Mine - Imator well Signs should be added and add options to edit the signs You should add armor and also please make items or armor stick to the character make a options for that becuase its hard if your animating the character and your animating the item or armor too its really hard and texture packs will be replaced by Resource Packs you should chnage Texture Packs to resource pack and you should put a options to change the texture pack this ideas is really important for Ime - Imator well Im been using Mine - Imator for 2 years well good program Heres an video I made in youtube made of Mine - Imator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rcsBA8lV7A
  8. Ok, I have an idea for a brand new add-on to mine imator. I think this would be a separate download, basically you would be able to design your own creatures. You would be able to set joints or points that bend and a completely custom body. You would also be able to make the texture for each creature in the program :lol:
  9. Hello. I propose a button which simply says something along the lines of "Snap-to-grid," which would auto-align blocks and provide a more accurate 'minecrafty' look. You could select a series of objects, and then click the button, aligning them on the grid.
  10. I maed a schematic and at some places I put emerald ore blocks. Used MCEdit to take it and when I open it in Mine-Imator, they don't show. They don't exist. Is this a bug or somethingg? Or is my mine-imator weird? I know not all blocks have been added but you can add emerald ores directly in Mine-Imator.
  11. I have an idea, it's to put some instances as keyframes that change in time. For example steve finds a sword on the ground (not locked to his hand), then he picks it up (locked to the hand) and then he throws it (locked again). Instead of making three different animations of putting the sword's position in his hand at each arm movement. What do you think?
  12. Ok guys, I have 2 ideas for new features in Mine-Imator that I suppose are very difficult to make : - The first is dust particles : They could be really useful for awesome effects like landing from a very high jump, explosions, wind, for powder that falls, and even for sun rays to shine on dust. I've seen this in other animations with other programs and it is really neat and as a faithfull Mine-Imator user, I would really like this program to prosper. - The second idea is Light Glare from the sun : This is quite difficult to explain but it consists in having smooth lighting on the ground but very luminous when looking at the sun. The best way to show you what I mean is by watching this animation from Slamacow : Look at how the light is beautiful and how the dust effects are very awesome. Tell me what you all think. Thank you for reading this
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