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Everything posted by ValiantShishu

  1. 我尝试在discord上搜索了,但我发现无法联系到你,其实很简单,将我上传到github上的字体(https://github.com/vlssu/Mine-imator-Chinese/tree/master/font)直接替换软件内的字体即可
  2. 在将我上传到github上的字体替换软件内的字体即可。或者你可以用你自己的字体,然后将字体文件文件夹内的所有字体替换一下就好了
  3. 支持2.0正式版了,建议直接下载文件来进行替换。部分译文 在wiki上没有,如有确定或错误记得告诉我
  4. https://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/90230-简体中文-chinese-modelbench-translation/ 支持的呀
  5. Welcome to my simplified Chinese version 欢迎使用我的简体中文汉化 Download If you need to use my simplified Chinese version, you can go to the github repository to download it. 如果你需要使用我的汉化版本,你可以前往github仓库中下载使用。 https://github.com/vlssu/Modelbench-Chinese font section The fonts that come with the software do not support Chinese. If you want the software to display Chinese normally, please use fonts that support Chinese. 软件本身自带的字体是不支持中文的,如果要让软件正常显示中文,请使用支持中文的字体。 https://github.com/vlssu/Modelbench-Chinese/tree/master/Font
  6. In Mine-imator 2.0 Pre 5, only English characters can be entered in the search box. Non-English characters such as Chinese cannot be entered, but they can be pasted in. When searching for items and blocks, I can't get results when I input Chinese. (The language files have all been Sinicized into Chinese. language file: https://github.com/vlssu/Mine-imator-Chinese/blob/c40275867d2997a2f437c986afc999961eda8d7b/translations/2.0.0/chinese.milanguage font file: https://github.com/vlssu/Mine-imator-Chinese/blob/c40275867d2997a2f437c986afc999961eda8d7b/font/HarmonyOS_Sans_SC_Regular.ttf
  7. In pre5, when non-English is used, it does not display The font has not been completely replaced, it’s all right now, but can you add a custom font setting, just like before
  8. Welcome to my simplified Chinese version 欢迎使用我的简体中文汉化 Download If you need to use my simplified Chinese version, you can go to the github repository to download it. 如果你需要使用我的汉化版本,你可以前往github仓库中下载使用。 https://github.com/vlssu/Mine-imator-Chinese font section The fonts that come with the software do not support Chinese. If you want the software to display Chinese normally, please use fonts that support Chinese. 软件本身自带的字体是不支持中文的,如果要让软件正常显示中文,请使用支持中文的字体。 https://github.com/vlssu/Mine-imator-Chinese/tree/master/font Copyright Notice 未经允许禁止商业用途 No commercial use without permission 允许二次修改,但需要注明原作者(飒爽师叔) Secondary modifications are allowed, but the original author (vlssu) needs to be noted. 允许分享但需注明原始链接 Sharing is allowed but the original link must be noted
  9. This error is caused by an extra comma, which is more strict in version 2.0.0, which is a very good thing (but the error message will be reported randomly, which caused me to spend a long time in the investigation to find out)
  10. The part I translated into Chinese, I don't know why it can't be displayed (I have used a font that can display Chinese), and there are not a few Chinese translators who have this situation. Is it a problem with the software itself? I just learned that not only Chinese, but also non-English texts cannot be displayed.
  11. Just like the picture, without any writing errors, My translated text using 1.2.9 also appears randomly, but works fine in 1.2.9. Is it my problem or Mine-imator?
  12. It is very inconvenient when sharing settings or files, such as setting fonts and language files in advance, or own settings want to share with everyone, just like Modelbench, you can store your settings in a file, if Mine-imator also It can't be better.
  13. @ NimiI translate the software text into Chinese, can I attach it to the software?
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