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rommel hamieh

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Everything posted by rommel hamieh

  1. explosion effect https://youtu.be/mbdMn7kIo0o smoke effect https://youtu.be/tpD1Z3lZOto download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hojke29jhhh67by/sheets.zip/file Note: since its been months since i touched my pc i forgot where did i take the original green screens from YT if anyone knows let me know to post link to them
  2. its been a while since i've been active and , uhhhhh , some smoke particle sheets i've been working on will prob post download link for them later
  3. Particle sheet pack 3 is here containing 18 effect , comes with 2 varients (as usual): Item sheet and Particle sheet download link :https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2g9mez1rxlaqk0/Particle_sheet_pack_3_%282%29.zip/file note:
  4. Particle sheet pack 2 is here containing 40 effect , comes with 2 varients: Item sheet and Particle sheet download link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/vhx9jxh69td0q0g/Particle_sheet_pack_2.zip/file
  5. this pack contain random Particle sheet effects https://gyazo.com/66f4b709e0c93678e234e2abdb3c1e20 download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/f1v46547m5h4fqx/sheet_pack_1.zip/file
  6. enough 105 mm artillery and Stuka bombing, time for bigger explosions
  7. Flamethrower rig with 2 varients Manual and Particle download link :https://www.mediafire.com/file/rjam99rrnhuz8fl/flamethrower+rig.zip/file
  8. 2 flamethrowers rigs WIP will be available to download and a video tutorial will be uploaded soon on my YT channel https://gyazo.com/5b9689a974279682a6fe9441d2f04303
  9. https://gyazo.com/d25f8e0a0345578ff0c4e46b3c39fbdd a experiment with Different types of Shields
  10. took me ages to get motivation and create this tutorial so here you have it enjoy
  11. after 3 days of Hard work it's finally here Doom Eternal Crucible Rig for Mine-imator download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y0wefb7wxl3qu6g/Doom+eternal+curcible+rig.zip/file
  12. A remake of the older version of SS mod with better quality military equipments for now Guns are in progress Note : those are still WIP so there will be changes to the texture and their shape overtime https://gyazo.com/69e13a0a22cf4e32d6dac93537cf2e70 https://gyazo.com/537110b0c2889a5e1e38a21819ef46d3 https://gyazo.com/44442007a417772ee44d8f43528d959f https://gyazo.com/799718151dbd5d8bf175c43da70cbd1b https://gyazo.com/b8f6e5e9ab52c6db94a2e69c31979234 https://gyazo.com/a7997fec757afb135be475c2053ffcd0 https://gyazo.com/140dc67ed356c2c50307d3f854543b17 https://gyazo.com/7b9ce77364c71ba55636ce926446a5e8 https://gyazo.com/42bcde7ee1fda656fb4e7fda05820ca2 https://gyazo.com/7403baf54fb317643292099890921be4 https://gyazo.com/32dce8407434bc8471ec6de4fe623a82 https://gyazo.com/6e3edbc6413edc92ddfdd76daf1c6d32 https://gyazo.com/bf761f3c08fced8b8c183b7e2e06bc5a https://gyazo.com/5f93de89927c38296197a6ea9548e15c
  13. another real explosion sheet for MI use https://i.gyazo.com/aa6017bff3a259257308ef2eca84766d.gif download link http://www.mediafire.com/file/rf62e70og8ght7b/real_explosions.zip/file
  14. this pack include 4 explosions effect that can be used in Mine imator this pack include : -Smoke artillery -Cluster shells artillery -medium ground explosion -Phosphorus artillery download link :http://www.mediafire.com/file/9np2dqxa1ih1mmd/MC-EP(minecraft+explosive+pack).zip/file enjoy
  15. since many people had problem with the older version of the real explosion particle i remake it to look more convincing and better than the older version https://gyazo.com/f59907779ac12479d3ac2432718184b7 feel free to criticize it if there's anything weird in it it's gonna be available after i finish other particles
  16. have you ever wonder , damn it could be nice burning someone with an indirect fire , or blowing someones house up with a high explosive shells , or simply giving your people free toilet paper bc why not : P than fear not Bombardment pack is for you this pack include those effects :- incendiary artillery , White phosphorus ,105mm artillery and Fear propaganda (paper leaflet) incendiary :https://streamable.com/r2ymzt White phosphorus :https://streamable.com/ih9415 105mm artillery :https://streamable.com/yekxfg Fear propaganda :https://streamable.com/241c77 download link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/4sgz1ngwh51ewgt/Bombardment_pack_1.zip/file credit is not necessary enjoy : )
  17. https://streamable.com/4g0t0r a closer look of the new pack which will include those effects : incendiary artillery barrage , white phosphore bomb , 105 mm howitzer artillery , Fear propaganda shells , cluster bombs
  18. yes as the title says another real explosion sheets https://gyazo.com/eac216228b007d6843f99e67c4c52e6d info : it's the same as the first one but more generic explosions download link:http://www.mediafire.com/file/niwkl3dos2ioq0c/real_explosion_sheet_2.rar/file credit ?? i don't care enjoy : )
  19. i already said that in the description , still working on a method that don't consume to much Fps from MI
  20. a WIP for leopard 2a7 and it will be available for download after few days but !!!!! this leopard is made with schematics why schematic ?? you can say personal taste but really , most of my armory made with schematics , i understand Ewww schematic , trust me i tried many programs and methods and they ended up in disasters . don't ask why there's wheels and not treads,i'm still working on it welp , that's it
  21. Try to make a particle effect in MI Import the explosion sheet (as I remember I put in the info width and height for each sheet ) Then choose the start and the end of the particle and done
  22. idk how it will look but go ahead : )
  23. there's some are already created as miobjects
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