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Everything posted by NethanielShade

  1. Is there no download link for the shields, or am I just blind?
  2. Oh whoah. Thank you, I wasn't aware Mine-imator was updated. Gotta get used to this now Anyway, thank you!
  3. Hmm. I'm not seeing what you're talking about. Unless you mean "Import Animation" In which case it only accepts .mani files. http://i.imgur.com/NTuwLy3.png
  4. How do you put these .mproj rigs into your animation? I kinda stopped using Mine-imator for a few months, so these are new to me. Import Animation doesn't seem to work for these.
  5. Hey Zeusx! Is it possible for you to make a horse rig? I'm absolutely DYING for one! I need it! And you're the best rigger on the site, I'm sure you can make an awesome one! Edit: I'm pretty advanced on Mine-imator, just don't know how to rig well. If it's a hard to use rig, but still looks good, fine by me. I'll be able to animate it.
  6. Zeusx with the fingers update may you also fix some of the issues people are having, or at least reply and tell us how to fix them ourselves?
  7. For some reason I keep getting a completely black head when I import a skin. I made it correctly and everything... Seems to be an issue with Paint.NET's transparency. Okay, I took pictures of the issue. Here's it as soon as I upload the skin: http://i.imgur.com/wT5p2Cz.png And here, I tried fixing it by turning the hat's alpha transparency to 0%. http://i.imgur.com/LG3Gqnm.png
  8. Thanks! And I'm in love with all of your rigs. You're the best. Thank you! Because. Zeuxs is awesome. And his rigs are awesome. Do you have better ones? If so, I'd like to see.
  9. Okay, so I'm pretty good at animating and CG GFX... But I haven't shown much, and haven't shown anything on this forum. So for my first post I whipped up a really quick wallpaper made in Mine-imator. I used Zeusx's rigs so thanks for that! Photo made in Paint.NET and Mine-imator. If you have questions on anything in the photo just ask. Also, if you want me to make a wallpaper, there's a small chance I will. I've been real busy lately since it's near the end of the school year, but when I find time I'll make a wallpaper or two.
  10. Spider rig and enderman rigs with way more joints? I envision endermen with tentacle-like arms/legs and spiders with more joints in the legs. (Would look great with the new bending limbs feature.)
  11. Giant ant is what it looks like.
  12. NethanielShade

    Fused Mobs

    I beg of you a spider pig! Also do you think you could possibly make a skeletal enderdragon?
  13. Is the blaze in vanilla/regular mineimator? I can't recall. Also, as the old saying goes, no pics no clicks.
  14. Zeus you frikin' are. Your facial rig is the best on the site. Sorry everyone else.
  15. May I please request you add a download link? Would be most appreciated!~ EDIT: I made an account just to say this! Well, I also do alot of work on mineimator so I guess I was due on making an account... Still.
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