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Everything posted by geotrax2001

  1. i'd make them myself, but my image editors wont let me save the transparency on the images, so I have to rely on things others have done...
  2. he did have 2 that were what i'm looking for, but the cobwebs, and plants are what I really need
  3. I need someone to make me 3D ladders, cobwebs, iron bars, grass (tall and regular), saplings (including ferns, bushes, and other such stuff), and vines. please make it public though, seeing as this would be helpful for all MI users.
  4. so if I was to stretch the barrel, the textures wouldn't bug out?
  5. really good texturing skibbz, but something about the size, and shape in comparison to the players just doesn't seem right to me... but it still looks epic, and like something from a sci fi fim...
  6. if no one else has offered, I happened to have a set, and ideas for an animation that fit in with what you said... i'm working on it right now...
  7. so in other words this program is a virus, and we should avoid touching the site. 5 votes.. dang, that's totally legit...
  8. so they don't give a virus? then why say that their bad?
  9. were the 3rd party releases real programs, or just a virus?
  10. looks nice, but we can see the banner tearing... you may want to change that...
  11. geotrax2001

    All mobs rig

    they look more like something from minecraft.
  12. geotrax2001

    All mobs rig

    doesn't look minecrafty. lets just all face it, sharp bending rigs look much better
  13. geotrax2001

    All mobs rig

    they all look amazing, but why round bending????? I had to go and re-save all of them to fix the bends... ps: there are a ton of rotation points you need to fix in the witch... hers are so messed up (note: I mean the special witch, not the regular)
  14. looks good. but I do have to question the angle of the riders legs...
  15. make sure to give your pc a decent barrial, it clearly served you well... up until that point
  16. vaguely inspired by find the pieces, but still... I hope to make more pigmen rigs, and everyone, be sure to check out my zombie pigman rig
  17. try combining the thousand particles with a large scenery... now that's lag love the idea, and maybe one day Mine Imator will be advanced enough to make it perfect, but you did do the best with what you were given, and congratulations on such a brilliant idea. I cant wait to see where this goes...
  18. for a master of particles, you seem to lack the knowledge of how to manipulate them to make realistic scenes... but you certainly don't lack creativity...
  19. not giving credits about what? I credited everything I could. the skin I found on a skin editor, and don't know how to trace it back to the creator...
  20. yeah, he needs to get something that doesn't have a heart attack everytime it sees a piece of source code...
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