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Everything posted by _Xean_

  1. I'm VERY impressed by how smooth it is
  2. Image fixed. Thanks Hydro.
  3. Might want to give the eyes a quick once-over, but other than that it's quite awesome, and slightly intimidating
  4. If anyone can tell me why my image is apparently "broken", I'd be grateful. I'm going to be doing more, and I'd like to not have this issue again. Thanks man!
  5. Could just make the schematic twice; first time without lava, second with. Then when you import them, you put the second a pixel or two back so only the lava is visible, then make the second schematic glow.
  6. The chess board is based on the one I have at home, which happens to use red instead of black. Also, could you define "broken"? I mean, If there's an issue I'd like to know how to fix it
  7. Needed a new cover-page, was thinking about chess, there we have it. Credits Skins n rigs all by me, except for skins I've gotten off of public sites. oh, and the guy in the bright scarlet coat and crown is by my friend Patrick Since people seem to like the chess-set concept, here's something I made more...spacey. Mad props to anyone how can identify the board their using
  8. Alright, thanks. I'll try at least.
  9. Twice now I've tried to post some of the pics I've been working on, however I can't seem to upload anything. I clicked the Image option, and at first I put in the location of the file on my computer. That didn't work so I uploaded everything to mediafire, then input the url of the picture. I pasted the url, clicked OK, and the page crashed. The only way I could do anything after that was by refreshing the page (not ideal, and I lose my picture.) Is this just me, or is there something I can do about this?
  10. An excellent over-all rig, I LOVE how easy it is to customise the expression. However, I'd like a bit more customisability, skin wise. I would really enjoy using this more often, but I'd like to control who my images are depicting
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