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Everything posted by Uknownhealer

  1. buh buh buh buh bu bu, IM LUVIN IT!
  2. Err... Collab time is almost up people...

  3. You can change it using backgrounds, but I want it back. To many people have already done there part. It'll be good when it's up with all the others. Donz worry. You both are in!
  4. Skibbz: "This thing goes up yo." I feel like that was on purpose.
  5. Try to add as much as you can. Remember, multiple characters are welcome. .... Got it, Your in now!
  6. I figured that one out. That's thanks to Davids genius invention to not have shadows when things are on repeat.
  7. Looks good! Can you send a mediafire download link?
  8. You'll have to send me a link. Sure!
  9. Collabs are not something you make if there are a lot of them. Remember animators can only animate for so long until they need a slight break. If were animating constantly new collabs, we don't have time for our own works. Try to make a collab when there are none other in progress. That's what I tried, obviously not at the right time. I may join this one, after I finish my own collab's entry. And mind the wall. And my fighting animation. And i'm a slow animator. Whens the deadline? End of April? Sorry pal.
  10. First cord: 615 2600 86, Second cord (Frame 300): 615 1481 86 I'd prefer avi, but it doesn't matter. What? No, your welcome even if you floating everywhere to attempt to look good, all animators are welcome, and the thing that will get you better is practice... Even if I just practiced watching people's style and making my own out of it. Then, never animate at night time, because then your bad at animating for some reason. As shown by Steve's slap together in seconds "run cycle" I love hosting this, everything is going so well! Keep it up everyone
  11. Yes, Definitely, the more the better! Should I put you on the list?
  14. I'm glad we have some talented animators in!
  15. Yeah, You can. Just follow the rules, and your fine.
  16. The looping will be done by me. And what i meant is Steve can move things with his mind. And I cannot remove the ending that would make it not loop right. So, don't worry, it's not that bad, it's good skills if anything.
  17. Err... You moved Steve's arm. But, i'll... Fine. I do have one problem though. It's sorta blank at the end, and kinda boring. I'd be happier if your were to add more, but this will be accepted. GG, you win.
  18. Hey join my collab! Or else.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      DO THAT and I will sacrifice your dogs and eat your pizza.

    3. Uknownhealer


      Well, i don't like going by dogspizza anymore so...

      Call me Alfire. Secondly, NO NOT MY PIZZA!

      (I'm more of a cat person anyway.)

    4. DigitalEvorian


      don yeh dare i got all the powers of the universe!

  19. It can change. Your all registered!
  20. Yep, that's what it's inspired by I hope you do!
  21. Collab finished, to see the final result, go .
  22. I'll join later, currently i'm undergoing the making of my own collab.
  23. Well James, Get ready.

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