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Everything posted by kingnicolas27

  1. @BloxTheRigger These are pretty good! If it's not too much to ask, how did you make each piece of armor? For example, each piece of the helmet with the full texture around it. That. Any tutorials on how do do things like that?
  2. Well the reasoning behind their dream and soul stealing positions is that they're in a "T" position. I'm pretty sure I think that's what 3D modelers would call it, but when you have a character rig, some people place them in the "T" position as you see in the photo. The character would have their hands, eyes, mouth open, etc. So because I chose that, I can see why you'd think it's pretty creepy at first. XP
  3. @LucianAnimations Thanks! I'll take that into consideration! @Astro Animations 1. Yeah, I understand, thank you for the complement though! 2. Will do! Hopefully as I implement more and more features it'll one day truly gain that "advanced" title that I hope to earn from the community, rather then just being self appointed as it currently is. ;P
  4. Well that's alright. If you feel like it's not up to par for the title "advanced" then that's your decision. There's also the fact that this is my first time rigging, so there's MUCH room for improvement. There's plenty of things i'm going to change and add as the rigs are nowhere close to done. Have any tips/suggestions for things I should add?
  6. Update! Working on advanced hands now! (They're color coded, so just ignore the rainbow xP)
  7. Also, here's a less creepy version ;P (Just a quick 1 minute facial expression I threw together) http://imgur.com/iu4tgb3
  8. Oh? Are you sure? I recently made a topic asking if AdFly / AdFocus links are allowed, and a moderator replied back saying it was ok. Edit: Here's the post itself,
  9. I appreciate the offer, but I want to make an attempt to learn and make my own rigs. Thank you though!
  10. They're obviously going to look creepy as their mouths/eyes need to be wide open to show every feature on the model. Would you like me to make a version of them with a regular facial expression/pose? ;P
  11. Besides direct links, are you able to use AdFly or AdFocus links for your downloads if you choose to do so? Or is that not allowed?
  12. I use Microsoft Paint and Gimp Nvm, I was able to figure it out. Thanks anyways.
  13. May I get step by step details please?
  14. So i'm making a rig for a character, and i'm trying to make the eyelids, etc. But I can't seem to match the color of the eyelid/skintone of the skin itself. Is there any copy/paste feature I could do with colors? Thanks.
  15. Why thank you. I actually do speak very regularly almost all the time. Rarely do I speak so to say, "fancier" like in my reply from time to time. It eludes me as to why I do this so randomly... but alas, it is what it is. ;P
  16. Ah, you'll have to excuse me. I noticed it way back when it was in the program, played with it, and never really touched it again. So I wasn't enlightened towards this detail. It only came to concern when I tried to find it literally moments ago. However. Regardless of me being that late, thank you so kindly for your help!
  17. I completely understand how stupid of a question this may be as I could find them on the internet myself, but i'm just curious. It may be me, but I remember long ago that when installing Mine-Imator, you also installed a set of TF2 character skins, and you were able to have other models for the baby versions of the characters as well. What happened to that?
  18. Ah, thank you. Also, yes. It would be helpful for future users that may have the same question/others that would need a visual. Thanks
  19. The title says it all. But let me give an example of what i'm asking to give a better understanding. Let's say I was making an animation for charactersss... let's just call them "x" and "y". I was too busy to make them myself so I went to look for the character rigs on the Mine-Imator forums and I found them! But they were made by two separate people so they're in two separate projects. So now i'm in Mine-Imator viewing character "y", but since they're in two separate projects I can only view one at a time. So there's where my question comes in, is there any way I could take the "x" character rig and import it to the current project i'm in where character "y" is located?
  20. What's so bad about the Vaccinator though? I mean, don't get me wrong, it sucks at healing. (Quick-Fix Master Race) But if you know how to use it properly it could be amazing XP
  21. Lol, I plan to animate every TF2 animation, update trailer, taunts, etc. in MineImator. Mannrobics isn't my next project, but i'll definitely do it at one point ;P
  22. Realized it when I was basically done. Atm it was too tedious for me to just add in, so I kept it out. And thanks
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