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Everything posted by SeagullOverlord

  1. Name: Jack Collin Age (Optional): 23 Weapon: two metal spikey things coming out his back, and a knife. (like doc ocks tentacules but way spikier.) Appearance: Brown jacket, t Shirt with holes in the back where the spikey things are. jeans, and a broken headset. Personality: layed back, arrogant, and very, very, annoying. (He calls it blowing off steam.) Powers/Ablities: TechnoKinieiss. He can control electric things with his mind. I can lower that if its to OP.
  2. We all mourn the passing of a good friend....(not being sarcastic.)
  3. Name: Aiden Stellen Age: 26 Light Or Dark Side: Light and Dark. Ability(Not Too OP Please,): Alternates between light and dark forms. Personality: silent, strong loyal.
  4. Name: Aiden (lol) Stellen Age: 26 Gender: Male Powers: (Restricted powers - No Light powers.) Electrikinesis. Backstory: (Restricted backstory - From another dimension) Stallishta. (basically a parallel diemension with a few "tweaks.") Backpack: (There is always 10 batteries and a flashlight in it. Torches are not mandatory.) A whole load of useless items you dont need to know about.
  5. Johnson: *goes into the Medieval section.*
  6. Dylan: *sits down and stares at the wall.*
  7. Dylan: I'm frustrated about how easily I was caught. (How about no one knows hes a demon.)
  8. Johnson: *runs into a wall immediately.* OW!
  9. Jake: I think if we stop the flow of monsters, we will not need to escape. We could call a repair team if we find where their coming from.
  10. Dylan: *slams his fist against the wall. Suddenly the whole orb starts shaking.* What the-?
  11. Name: Steven Magistart Age: 24 Gender: Male Powers: None visible. Backstory: (copying your thing.) Age 12: Got in a fight with A Mage Of The North. His leg was burned and all thats left is bone, yet somehow it still works like a normal leg. Age 20: Led the Resistance against the corrupt government and struck heavy blows against them. Age 24: The Resistance disbanded, with the Enforcers rounding up rebels, He slipped into the throng and was never found. That good enough for ya?
  12. Dylan: People, Lets focus on getting out of here.
  13. Dylan: *Wakes up.* Where the heck?
  14. Name: Dylan Age: 16 Appearance: dark black jacket, jeans, and a open scar running down the left side of his face. Species: Demon Power: Flamy stuff. Weapon: sword. Personality: Friendly at times, mature, easily bored.
  15. Johnson: *runs over nearly getting shot by a civil war manniquen.* What?
  16. Carl: We are the police! Not a animal shelter
  17. Johnson: Not everything living, I ddidn't!
  18. Johnson: *runs into a statue of a explorer.* I didn't sign up for this!
  19. Dood HiveMC is epic server play it wit eh.

  20. Carl: Right, everyone back to WORK!
  21. Name: Johnson Age: 34 Johnson: Hey, Kyle. I didn't know you were a nightguard too!
  22. Jake: *jumps on its back and repeatedly stabs it, even after it died.* DIE!
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