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Everything posted by Titanicminion

  1. That’s actually really well done
  2. Today is July 1st 2024, Today is Canada's 157th birthday
  3. no, I had to do some editing in canva
  4. All my friends that have cats say this is relatable XD
  5. I am making a split screen animation where I used the surface camera texture technique and in the animation, it requires 3 cameras and 3 surfaces for the split screen, there's another camera for the surfaces to parent to and to capture the animation in general. but here's the problem, when I play it, all 3 surfaces will play, but when I rendered it, only one of them played. which is a problem, I have tried many ways to fix the problem, I tried toggling the camera's visibility (the visible switch thing in keyframe setting,) but that just renders the animation in one of the camera's responsible for one of the surfaces. so basically its the wrong camera. I tried resetting MI, but that didn't work either, and I tried the hide feature for the cameras but no avail. is there a way to fix this problem?
  6. So I was eating a watermelon…
  8. Did you say 1 month???? also in the first vid, did you make the audio??
  9. Well, May the Fourth be with you, and also today is my friends birthday! NOTE: never say "May the Fourth be with you" to her because once during school, the principal forgot her birthday during morning announcements and instead said: "May the Fourth be with you" so now if you say the dreaded words, she will kill you
  10. Everyone, I need ideas for my next animation, I am working a a birthday animation and I need ideas for what can go wrong. Some Ideas I already made were 1. the door slams in my face 2. theres a bomb in the present 3. everything got covered in weekee sugar and it got blown up 4. I managed to save the cake but a weekee noticed because its still covered in sugar and we got blown up anyways. I need ideas for what else can go wrong, as I need this animation to be over a min, not to mention the person I am making the animation for, her bday is in 4 days. So please, HELP!!!!
  11. Hehe, after 1 year, I have hit 100 subscribers... No one was harmed, and no, its not one of those stupid lies that make people feel better.
  12. It should work now, otherwise I'm gonna scream...
  13. Why does everybody say WINRAR to unzip a file??? Don't you guys all know file explorer has a built in unzipper? just click on it and on top it will say extract all, or you could right click it and go to more options, then the extract all will also pop up??? good tutorial tho.
  14. This is the A380, the largest passenger airliner in the world, I haven't had the chance to fly on this magnificent marvel, but I sure wish I do, because the A380 is being retired and all of them will be gone by 2030. Comment down below if you have flown on one before, I would love to hear the experience. (I'm using a custom livery I designed)
  15. Hello everybody, as you saw in the title, yes, I need a flute, a BAMBOO flute, and digging around the forums, I couldn't find anything, anyone care to help? I need one of those traditional flutes, the one that looks like a stick, not the many ones that vary in length version. one of these:
  16. omgisthatFREDDYFAZBEAR?? oh oh, oh oh oh-
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