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Looking for male and female VA's for Episode 2 of an Minecraft Animated Series

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Hello I'm Jai, I am currently working on Episode 2 of my Beached series. Ever since it recently got featured on Hyun's Dojo, and the immense support people gave me for it, I have been wanting to make Episode 2 better. I have the script ready, I am wanting to pay each VA for their work but as of right now we would have to treat it as a hobby since I'm just getting started. Contact me if you're interested or have any questions.

If you need an idea of what this is about you can check out the pilot episode here (Violence Warning)


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I can actually animate something like this if i can, seems easy enough to animate but can take up to more then a day which could be a few months to make a animation like this, but the only thing is, i don't use blender cause its very hard to use so i stick with mine-imator


PS: i'm only saying cause i think the animation is fire keep it up Jaitie love the work

Edited by Xavix Aaralyn Fulton
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