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URGENT - Hello! My name is Ivan Law and I'm recruiting animators for my ongoing projects!

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The projects will be my 20th to 23rd Episodes of my MC series:=

EP20 - An ending of a mini movie

EP21-23 - A Christmas play

Mini Movie: A group urging for independence from a large region

Christmas play: A rebellious teen attempts to ruin Christmas while 4 friends tried to stop them Reqs:

Tell us your countries so we can know when you'll be awake.

You are active, ghosting is strictly not tolerated.

You don't get confused easily.

You show 100% interest and dedication to the project!

Unpaid coz I don't have online payment methods as I'm 17, SORRY!


Please reach out to me on Discord (ivanlawonyt) if you wanna get started with me!


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