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Alright, we all know 1.0.0 has to many bugs, and lets face it, it should be expected, here's my list.

-Text is always floating in render, along with outline. The check box doesn't work.

-Can't zoom while left clicking. Giving animating a "slower" feeling. Idc about right click zoom.

-Open a directly outside of mineimator, and it's not responding. Closing the file no longer fixes it.

-The "Delete" button can't delete objects when selected on the timeline. Only key frames.

-The database isn't updated for my skin. Why not use what the forums use?

-1.7 skins don't flip the arms and legs like supposed to. If Minecraft no longer does this, i'm uninformed.

-Recent projects don't work in the start menu.

-Settings menu breaks when shrunk.

-Zoom works on what you clicked last, not what your mouse is over. Most programs have it this way, If you like it this way, then i'd remove from this list.

-Some old rigs seem to break at the bottom of things. Some, not all. I'm not sure what style you have to use for it to break.

-Mineimator is still not responding when opening a directly for importing.

-When rendering The render apears to be brighter. There is a chance it's on my end, i'm not sure.


SO, That's my list. I have nothing else.

I'm still searching, and sorry for anyone else that had start up problems, I'm not sure why it's there or how to fix it. But it doesn't happen to me. I'm vista.

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1. What?
2. Will be fixed
3. What?
4. Use Ctrl+R to delete timelines, Delete will delete keyframes
5. Will be fixed
6. Will be fixed
7. Did you move Mine-imator after first running it?
8. What?
9. The zooming should be identical to DEMO 5
10. Can you give me a link to such a rig?
11. What?
12. Can you give an example project and images?

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