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why do people keep using banicam?

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I do it because sometimes it crashes when I try to export.

Replace Bandicam with Hypercam cause 1) It doesn't advertise the program when you record 2) You can record longer and 3) It's free. I record with Hypercam instead of exporting only if the video is lagging at the speed I want the video to be.


Makes sense?

Edited by Lycinadale
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Replace Bandicam with Hypercam cause 1) It doesn't advertise the program when you record 2) You can record longer and 3) It's free. I record with Hypercam instead of exporting only if the video is lagging at the speed I want the video to be.


Makes sense?

I used hypercam once, It was awful.


This records a lot better quality and there was always *unregistered hypercam* at the corner of the video.


And it sucked at recording sound for me.

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I've had codecs crash my program multiple times. But I had to re-render them until it worked. I once had to render about 10 times just for it to work. It's worth the wait if you want quality animations. This is also why I now split my animations into pieces rather than animating one long movie. The shorter it is the less chance of crashing.

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I used hypercam once, It was awful.


This records a lot better quality and there was always *unregistered hypercam* at the corner of the video.


And it sucked at recording sound for me.

You don't need sound when recording Mine-imator with Hypercam cause sound hasn't been added to Mine-imator yet. Also when it comes to quality, Bandicam and Hypercam are both equal.

Edited by Lycinadale
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I mainly use exporting with microsoft video 1, but the last time I exported (which was a scene for Monster Stories 1.0), it took SEVEN MINUTES.


So maybe I'll use Bandicam.

LOL that's it? Most of my animations take the better part of an hour or more to render. You kids have to learn the art of rendering. Patience leads to good quality animations.

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