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EnderDudeGaming's STEVE RIG (v1.0.0)

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Hello everyone! EnderDudeGaming Here, and I present to you...



Download it here!

Remember to subscribe to EnderDudeGaming on YouTube!

NOTE: I will probably be updating this rig every once and a while. :)

1. If you upload a video to YouTube with this rig, just be sure to give me some credit somewhere in the video, or description.
2. You may change the skin color, and eye color, but again, just make sure to give me some credit. :P. If you want, go ahead and insert
your own skin for all I care! xD
3. Have fun animating with my rig! I put a lot of hard work into making it as simple, and fun to use as possible.


Here's how to import. Put the file that says "EnderDudeGaming's Steve Rig v1.0.0.object where ever you want. This could be your
desktop, documents, whatever. Now open up mine-imator. Hover your mouse over the crafting table, see the one that says "import an asset"? Click that,
and find where you put the file. Open it, and be amazed at what you see. Lol.

You can access the eyes by doing so: Human > Body > Head > Eyes. You will then see 2 more dropdown boxes. They are the pupils the eyebrows, and the eyelids.
Don't get confused! Just drop down the tabs, and you'll notice you can just use the X axis to move the pupils left and right. See! it's as easy as that!
I did my best on making the eyelids as simple to use as possible. Like before, drop down the tab that says "Eyelids", and you'll be greeted with 4 new things,
which are the top right eyelid, the top left eyelid, the bottom right eyelid, and of course the bottom left eyelid. If you want Steve to close his eyes,
all you have to do is shift-click the 4 of the timeline keyframes of the eyelids, and you will notice that you have selected all 4 of them at once. Now, you're
probably thinking, "EnderDudeGaming! How am I supposed to close them?" Well, do you see where it says scale? See the 4 boxes there? We're focusing on the
2nd box over. This icon means simple scaling: on/off. If this is selected, it'll control the X,Y, and Z at the same time. We don't want this. So we make sure
that this isn't selected to be on. Then you'll take the Z scale, and you'll notice that the higher you increase the number on the Z scale, the further the
eyelids will close. The eyebrows are easy. All you have to do, is click one of the eyebrow's keyframes, and rotate it.

You can open and close the lips using the same technique as the eyes. See? Easy! Also, the teeth work the exact same way. Another thing I added, which you
don't usually see on face rigs, is the bending in the mouth. This makes it so the mouth can curve in sort of a round way, allowing a more realistic way of
animating the Steve. Just rotate it like you did with the eyebrows.

Once you're working on your animation with the rig, you'll notice a folder called "Extras (Ignore)". This is pretty self explanitory. Just leave that folder alone.
You have nothing to do with that. I just don't want to get you confused! :) All this is, is just some objects that were added to make the eyes look more 3D,
(which means if you look through the eyes at the side, you won't see through them.) Also, theres just the inside of the mouth. Ignore that too xD.

By now, you should know how it works, and I hope you have fun working with this! Edited by EnderDudeGaming
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