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Mine-imator episode 4 (we can't count to 3) [Suggestions]

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i have some couple of new Suggestions, if you disagree, that's totally fine, but if you agree, then.. tell your opinion one my suggestions.

to not make this boring, here's some mario galaxy music.. cause why not.. ^^



Okay let's begin the Suggestions ! :3




Reason: when you turn on shadows/HG i suddenly lags.. LIKE A LOT, and you can't click on something, unless you wait 4 secounds, so why not have a instant button, that you can click, it will help to animate faster, and yeah, shortcuts are great 8D


2. Sound importing


Probably won't be added, but i can still beg.


3. Hiding In Timeline


sometimes the timeline can get real big, and when you close a folder, it instantly opens again when you touch something from the folder, and that will just make the timeline longer, so no, folders are not the solutions, you see, they are not even folders, they open by themselves, have a rig with a folder with a lot of stuff ?? oh wats that ? it open because you clicked on the rig ?? and know it takes all the space from the the timeline ? oh, that's not good ? would be nice to hide these ? don't you think ? maybe we have some props that we will never touch ? why not hide it?? HMM SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA !!


4. armor


... *cough* ... yeah, i'll move on.


5. 3D hair


the second layer (hat layer) becomes 3D, so it becomes 1 pixel long.

same with the body second layer.


6. More ability to move parts.


when you select the stomach, it selects the head and hands, what if you want to scale the body, and not the head and head, and just leave them in defaults..


7. easier way to import fonts


i have no idea how to import fonts, but it should be as easy as Paint.net, it just takes the fonts from your "font" folder.


if you disagree, 

well, dislike button is your friend, all see ya'll later.

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1. Yes

2. Will be added once I get ffmpeg running (might take a while due to crap support)

3. Where would the hidden objects go? How would you select them if they are invisible?

4. Later

5. Later

6. Select the head and arms and uncheck Scale in Hierarchy

7. Perhaps


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1. Yes

2. Will be added once I get ffmpeg running (might take a while due to crap support)

3. Where would the hidden objects go? How would you select them if they are invisible?

4. Later

5. Later

6. Select the head and arms and uncheck Scale in Hierarchy

7. Perhaps

3. you can decide to show hiddens, and they will be slightly invisible, and then you can hide them again.

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