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Everything posted by Swagcrafters

  1. How can I add armor on a mob? I couldn't find any of the armors. Only armors I could find was item forms of them which is obviously different than the armors mob wear.
  2. So yeah I made a mob inside Mine-imator (Basically took Steve, changed his head and added stuff on him using parented objects). Is there a way I can export this mob by itself so that I can import and use it on different projects?
  3. So I'm trying to connect glass block to Steve by making it a parent object. When I choose "Steve" or any other object as the parent object for the glass it just becomes invisible. I checked visibility, it's ticked. How do I solve this problem? I need it to be visible. Edit: Solved it. Appearantly it just moves the object to a different place when you parent it. You are able to just move it into its old position.
  4. Nice but you should've added the visual of iron golem punching him in the eye as well, that would make it more realistic.
  5. What does animating with folders mean? I've never heard of it.
  6. How can I attach an item to a mob/block/another item? I know there used to be an option to attach an item to a mob but I discovered that years ago and I can't find it inside the software anymore. Has it been removed? Edit: Thanks to Vollo and 9redwoods, I learnt two ways to do it. Thank you. I'll be able to create much more stuff with the ability of attaching stuff to each other
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