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Everything posted by XLCREEPER

  1. These are truly the best words I have ever heard from anyone on the internet
  2. It's now finally complete, the credit goes to only me for this one in particular. Due to complaints, I have offered title warning of the topic and also am no longer using filters for art posted on this site. And I've red some rather negative comments...(which are also unoriginal insults. ) And even though this mildly hurts my feelings, I don't see any rules against posting this stuff. So I will continue to receive and try to ignore your rude remarks, despite the many hours I put into these projects for all interested to see. The rig isn't going to be released for a while; namely until I get the rest of the nightmare rigs done. For my 300 sub video I introduced a strawpoll on what series to make next, and so far the results are looking to be the Toy f.n.a.f 2 models, so you will probably pass by some of those in future months. I'm glad if you like this rig, and I will do my best to consider care about all of your meaningless insults and rather negatively-put suggestions Anyone who wants to leave constructive criticism and kind comments have my gratitude. Thanks! ~TheXLCREEPER
  3. All rigs displayed on my posts are made by me. At this time the rig was about 60% done, it's now fully done and I'll be posting something on it And sure, I'll warn people next time
  4. Yeah I was gonna ask who nimi was yeah.. but really, this is my own variation and I might stick with the basic one in my PFP anyways. Still, I could expand the concept whenever I get time
  5. I actually created the eyes and mouth for that rig... But k The eyes and the mouth are the same concept anyways
  6. Inspired by Man-Imator SKIBBZ, I made my own variant of a "un-restricted" facial rig. This one is less organized and is simply more scattered and unplanned, and it is waaaay less efficient. I decided to go out on a limb and guess on how he made his, and the result turned out pretty well! For those who want to know but don't. The inner mouth is made of a cube that is inverted, and set just behind the outer texture wall of each block/head. The teeth are unedited except scaled. The part that "digs a hole" into the mouth/eyes is mostly invisible and utilizes a render glitch to see through the block to the inner mouth/teeth. Also the eyes. Mouth = Eye Whites, Teeth = Pupils. All done with changed render depth. Cube/Head Depth: 3 Inner Mouth Depth: 0 Teeth Depth: 0 Invisible Mouthpiece Depth: 1 And so on. For those who want to see his original facial rig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjyM01p96mk
  7. Sorry if you don't like it. I can increase it by 150% tho if that's more your style
  8. What would it do without me (Just about anything)
  9. Shh... if we don't say it was unintentional we can take the credit and say it was a brilliant idea
  10. Well I don't mind, and the rules don't seem to mind so I guess people just gon' have to deal with it hOW abOuT nOW aRE YoU mAD bOI
  11. Well, I like it better than spinny zoom thing.
  12. Yeah, the fandom is pretty much dying as well as the hype for any of the games, but I strive to be a part of the fandom that people are glad of, or perhaps look up to(?)
  13. They make everything better!
  14. What do you think? ~Edited in Paint.net (Yes it's a repost, no don't ask why)
  15. Not my place to say it but watermarking is a good thing unless you stamp it over anymore of 10% of the actual image, in which case ruins the art.
  16. Made with my custom rig, made in Mine-Imator, and used RiverWood texture pack. This art can also be located on deviantart: http://thexlcreeper.deviantart.com/art/Mine-Imator-I-just-broke-a-tree-with-my-fists-602925594?ga_submit_new=10%253A1460610207
  17. This is my first time on the forums, so: Hi, I'm Bren, also known by my persona XLCREEPER or TheXLCREEPER. I am a filmmaker on youtube and a digital artist on deviantart. I'm 14 years old and am trying to learn the code LUA. I really enjoy making animations and building rigs. More information can be found on my profile, which is a work in progress. Now to the point: I was wondering in the next content update if you could include a multi-bend rig for the Iron Golem's arm, meaning that it bends in 3 places and not just one. I don't have any beneficial reasoning for this to be added, I just believe it would be a nice touch.
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