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Everything posted by BishopTheMinecrafter

  1. Someone ***** turned my computer off, and now I freaking have to restart on my project!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed right now.
  2. Have you seen my Youtube vids? Those took quite a long time to make. I just need one helper. I am probably.... a... Novice Beginner? I can make good animations but sometimes it messes up. Could you tell me how to screenshot? First Screenshot!! Didn't work....
  3. I've got the first two. I need like, heroic rigs. Awesome rigs. And also, I'm on 1.0.5 Mine-Imator
  4. What? What's wrong? If you don't like it then don't say anything. Also I subbed to you just now
  5. https://www.youtube.com/user/Bhall12able Alright, so it starts out with a battle between some Zombies and the Three youtubers I mentioned above, including JeromeASF. BajanCanadian vaults DanTDM and he plows through a half of the zombies and front flips. Then, JeromeASF Axe-Chops the first zomber Dan plowed through, just to be sure. While that's going on, Bajan Leaps high into the air and demolishes a creeper. The series will go on for 6 episodes, but i don't know how to put sound into it. or screenshot.
  6. Check out my thread, I just posted it. Go to my profile
  7. Alrighty thanks, Bro! https://www.youtube.com/user/Bhall12able Alright, so it starts out with a battle between some Zombies and the Three youtubers I mentioned above, including JeromeASF. BajanCanadian vaults DanTDM and he plows through a half of the zombies and front flips. Then, JeromeASF Axe-Chops the first zomber Dan plowed through, just to be sure. While that's going on, Bajan Leaps high into the air and demolishes a creeper. The series will go on for 6 episodes, but i don't know how to put sound into it. or screenshot.
  8. Wow, Kenny, that's beast!! EnderSteve is holding a freakin' Zombie head. Nice!! You should check out my Youtube Channel! I'm making a Youtuber Smash Battle As we speak.
  9. Roblox is getting boring by the second........ Mine-Imator for life, and LGOD!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mime360 Animations

      Mime360 Animations

      also minecraft is getting boring, roblox for life

    3. MrDonoB


      but roblox is a game, and mine-imator is an animation program..?

    4. BishopTheMinecrafter


      .......................... Nevermind. You guys see my newest Series for my youtube channel?

  10. Hey! I'm Bishop Hall, and I'm hosting a new Youtube series on my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Bhall12able and I'd like some suggestions. I have an idea of using Youtubers (BajanCanadian, SkyDoesMinecraft, and the best of all known, DanTDM.) If you have any rigs, please tell me or email me at TheMinecraftAnimates@gmail.com. I also need a Deadlox rig and an EnderSteve rig, and an Entity_303 rig. Thanks, and peace and love to you, God bless you!
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