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Posts posted by SkeetokTheOtter

  1. 14 hours ago, Ironwave Studios said:

    I liked the first few episodes of Steve's Adventures just because of the nostalgia that comes from watching them again, but really don't like Mineworks' animating style and I really, REALLY hate the way they do dragons... (yeah, specific, I know, but I can't STAND their Dragon, Dragon video)

    I think the reason their animations look like that is because they use a lot of mocap, which is kind of a cheat way to animate imo...

    Yeah it was really bad looking. too polygonal and not cubic enough

  2. One problem is, the graphic consistency is off. You have voxel wheels and cylindrical parts. It doesnt look very good. Also there are no pedals. And the wheels magicly go through the bicycle

  3. 1. I think this counts as second.
    2. The History Books died.
    3. Update your siggy.

    But thank you for fixing the error, I'll see if it works now.

    1. Notice I said recorded. While you may have gotten the first error, I was the first person to report it or bring it to attention

    2. Dont lie to me kid

    3. Ikr


  4. So, with the new load of features comes a new load of errors... :< But guess what! the first error ever to be recorded in for MI 1.0.0 was the runtime error I got!

    I also came up with the first solution!

    1. Delete the installer and everything it downloaded (Because who downloads the ZIPs?)

    2. Install ZIP version (You do now :D)

    3. Extract to required place


    put me in your history books kids

  5. eh. the green color is too much

    He is right, the green is too much. Because of the neon contrast to the black character, it morphs the perspective a little, taking a toll on the rest of the wall paper.

    That, and the glow is a bit nasty, especially on the Glowstone. And the rain isn't authentic. It looks kinda fake

  6. I wonder how fast it'll be if the object with size less than 100 km will spin up a planet that's larger than our own. Even it's exist, it might get pulled into the star long time ago...

    Well, something around 20-50km that strikes at the right angle (around the p meridan) from the right side could make it spin faster. The same probably for a tidally locked planet. Something that large could spin up the planet (in a slow orbit of maybe 800km/s or less), but in return throw it off orbit and extinguish all life (obviously) so yes, a large asteroid can stir up a planet, but in return probably hurl it far out of the habitable zone (which nullifies the entire point) or into the sun. Pretty good trade off eh?

  7. Magnetospheres are caused by spinning liquid core. If you got tidal-locked star then you won't have one...


    Earth is resisting the solar storm.

    natural causes and ancient volcanic activity of planet formation can hold a magnetosphere for a bit on a tidally locked planet before the core stops churning and boom, the planet is virtually doomed. And also, dont forget large asteroids can stir up something from time to time


    Generically you're true that M-red dwarf is a lot smaller than Sol but Sol is G-class star... Also, red dwarf is very energetic and they're flare stars. Their flares are far stronger than Sol's so you might get a bad day on one of them. Also "Tidal-locked" means there's no rotation, no rotation, no magnetic umbrella magnetosphere, and there'll be no atmosphere because they're all striped.

    Wait, our star is Main-Sequence K type I thought? And I know what tidally locked means, I'm saying life would have to be inbetween the hottest semisphere (the one facing the star) and the coldest one (facing away) that's the only way scientist currently think that life could be sustainable on a planet orbiting such an active, young, and dim star. The magnetosphere would probably be generated by some volcanic activity at the core, which albeit would be very short lived and weak, and perhaps the gravity of the planet could hold a little bit of something... But anyways, I'm still not understanding what the picture has to do with the title 

    EDIT: also I just now saw that Sol was G-Type Yellow Dwarf, Lol I'm stupid

  9. Bye bye global connection.

    Say hi to lethal red dwarf storms that KP-186f will face alot...


    Anyways what if I used notebook during the storm?

    But then again a red dwarf is a lot smaller than our Type-K star, Plus any life would have to be around the prime meridian since the planet is tidally locked. It wont be too harsh for them unless they are intelligent with tech or somehow adapted to these storms. And also, I cant exactly see what  the picture is, mind explaining?

  10. The fading black area is actually where we defined the EVENT HORIZON. Photons get sucked, fewer of them made through it as they came nearer.

    Ah yes, I realize that now. Thing is, I love astronomy as much as you do, but I prefer ET life and habitable planets :>, I dont know fully about black holes

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