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About PolyGanon

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  1. Aw hell yes! The feature I postponed animating for a year for! Soon... soooooooooon...... And looking at that last diamond block example, I'm sure someone somewhere is going to find a way to use the program as an orbital mechanics simulator. Hell, finding the sweet spot of values to get a particle to orbit around an attractor-target is probably going to be some peoples first targets. Then we could probably expect someone to remake the opening scenes of Wall-E, with the camera ploughing through a sheet of orbital debris.
  2. I'm curious if an option to export in 3D would work. Essentially I'd expect such a method to simply take the animation and export it twice: once slightly offset to each side of the camera path. Then leave it up to specific movie editors to put them together in a manner compatible with Oculus Rift, Youtube 3D, or however they plan to present it.
  3. Actually, those shadows look a little too sharp. Any chance chance of a diffusal setting on the light where the shadow's edges would end up a bit more blurred? I'm also curious as to how it'd handle multiple lightsources and shadows overlapping.
  4. I'm really hoping the particle system makes an appearance at last, I've had a plan on hold since last May for them. 500X500 Schematics is a big hell yes in my books (saves me having to cut ones that size into about 100 pieces to import), but I'm wondering if there could be a small addition of a seperate non-native-to-minecraft block just for the program: one with 6 differently textured sides and a seperate "terrain.png" equivalent to go with it. Its just something so if we were to import a dozen of them with different skins, that we could parent them together in such a way as to create a custom mob. Its just the closest vanilla block with multiple face skins is pumpkins with 4 unique faces, and it's tedious stitching together human models with their heads/arms retextured for the same effect and making all but one part invisible.
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