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Blinking Lighning

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lighning? hm… i can’t find anywhere on Google search what “lighning” means. did you mean “lightning”? if you did, then i found this page how people misspell lightning - https://www.gingersoftware.com/english-online/spelling-book/misspelling/lightning-lighning-litghtning

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now its normal, i just reinstall the mineimator

On 2/14/2024 at 3:47 PM, vinnyg0621 said:

lighning? hm… i can’t find anywhere on Google search what “lighning” means. did you mean “lightning”? if you did, then i found this page how people misspell lightning - https://www.gingersoftware.com/english-online/spelling-book/misspelling/lightning-lighning-litghtning

yea. i knew it from i upload this. im sorry, so how to fix this?

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Same like mine, the lighting keep blinking during animation (Even without the point light). Already update my GPU driver and all but the problem still appear. This happened when I'm using the latest Mine imator community build. I tried switching back to the old Mine imator 2.0.2 but it wouldn't support anymore. so im stucked with the new version community build. Hope this problem will be solve soon. Thanks! 

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On 8/21/2024 at 1:30 PM, LBMinecraft93 said:

Same like mine, the lighting keep blinking during animation (Even without the point light). Already update my GPU driver and all but the problem still appear. This happened when I'm using the latest Mine imator community build. I tried switching back to the old Mine imator 2.0.2 but it wouldn't support anymore. so im stucked with the new version community build. Hope this problem will be solve soon. Thanks! 

yea man, i tried to say this lol, my grammar is so bad ngl

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