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Anatomically Correct Hands (and arms)

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Some people have used Mine-Imator in the past to make cool and creative animations, usually in third person.

However, for those attempting first person animations, the typical blocky fingers protruding out of Steve's arms might not fit as well with certain animation styles, possibly making someone feel as if they needed a hand with making their animations look better.


If for whatever reason, you happened to be one of these mythical people with a problem, you can now look to having (mostly) anatomically correct hands in Mine-Imator.

This isn't meant to replace the usual formula for hands and fingers in Mine-Imator, but is primarily meant to give a better alternative to first person animations. Although this would look freaky when compared to the usual Minecraft character models, it can be reasonably used on its own.


It's much more open to articulation, now being unrestrained from Steve's horrifically chunky arms, and has relatively realistic proportions compared to what you would normally expect from Mine-Imator in general. Obviously, I am not the first person to have made a model such as this, but I have included a sleeved model in case you need modeled cloth before the palm of the hand. I also included the CS:S skin as a sample to toy around with the model incase you are interested in using such a thing.



Of course, I can't just toss out a random and obscure model out into the wild without atleast showcasing what its capable of, so I compiled a showcase of reload animations to display how this model can be used.




Click here to download!

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