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Need more names in L4D2 Project!

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Hello, everyone! I would like some names from you. A player name.

I added some extra players which is Me and my female version, Nora.

This is the list.


Naresee (Me) [EXTRA!]

hiendiep55: First player that joined and will respawn later. [New!]

Nora: Female Version of me, unplayable survivor that is able to do things that Survivor players can do the thing which bots are unable to do. [EXTRA!]

Ellis: Bot, everyone can play as him, name will be replaced with player's.

Rochelle: Bot, everyone can play as her, name will be replaced with player's.

Nick: Bot, everyone can play as him, name will be replaced with player's.

Coach: Deceased bot, name will be replaced with player's, he respawns later. Or you could do the other way which uses Defibrillator to revive him.

Adrianna [Female Police]: Unplayable Survivor. She could even manage to do what Survivor players are able to do what bots can't.

Deceased Survivors:

Xephos: Deceased, added him as a role of being deceased and unrevivable, no one can play as him. He can't respawn.

Madeline17 [Female]: Deceased, adder her as a role of being deceased and unrevivable, no one can play as her. She can't respawn.

Adrianne [Female Police]: Deceased, her parts were torn apart by some zombies and is unrevivable, no one can play as her. She can't respawn.

Survivors remaining: 5 (The Deceased or Unplayable ones does not count. Maximum survivors is 8. More survivors will result as the Special Infected being unable to spawn.)

Max players: 18 (Anyone who tries to join at this number or after, they'll be refused.)

Anyone is able to join the Survivors but they have to be respawned by the respawn door being opened by other survivor.

Anyone can join the Infected.

The Special Infected:

Hunter: Can pounce only when crouched, will not release a survivor unless shoved, Survivor that is pounced on will decrease health untill death.

Charger: Charges at you. Hit the wall once will result him to stop immediately. After he stop, he'll grab you and pummel you down to death.

Jockey: Rides on you, moves you around untill you're incapitated. Resist him to be free! Or get a survivor to get Jockey off you.

Spitter: Spits an acid below you. Acid comes out upon death. Her acid will hurt you. The longer you stand on her acid, the more damage you get.

Witch: Unplayable infected, spawns rarely. Anyone who startles her will be incapitated immediately on Easy, Normal and Advanced only. You will straight away die if you startle her in Expert.

Smoker: Uses his tongue to grab you, pulling you to him to kill you. If you get stuck while he is on the higher ground, Smoker will press his tongue to hurt you untill you're dead.

Boomer: Vomits at you. Shove him (Or her if there is female) away when near to you. The explosion will cause you to be in Boomer's puke that attracts zombies.

Tank: A very strong zombie. Has alot of health, requires alot gunpower to kill him.

New infected!:

Strong zombie: This zombie is uncommon. He's also strong as Tank. Playable infected. His health is alot like Tank's but a bit half of it.


Sound and Captions are important in L4D2. Caption is very important in Expert to know if there is a special infected.

Special Infected's Piano songs means that they're closer. Special Infected's Violin songs means that they're further.

Tank's music will play only if the tank is there. You will know that there is a Tank spawned somewhere once his song starts. When it starts to fade away, it means that he's dead.

If you see the Witch, put your light off and do not get closer to her. It'll startle her. Even your voice would startle her too. If quiet, she wouldn't hear it. Getting closer to her will startle her. Her song will start if you hear her.

Hunter will make a growl if you use mic. That one is only for survivors. (Not in Mine-imator but in L4D1 and L4D2.)

Map: Dark Carnival (Finale)

Survivor Players:


hiendiep55 [New!]







Infected Players:











If you want to join, fill the forms below. Also, do not make your health (and incapitated health) exceed their maximum.

Maximum Health for Survivors: 100 (Even TF2 Scout's health will exceed that but the TF2 classes with 125 Health will come in.)

Maximum incapitated Health for Survivors: 300

Make sure you think about how much health you have after you, me and the others have gone through maps to the finale.

  1. Which side are you on?: Survivor/Infected
  2. Who you want to be?: Survivors: Nick/Rochelle/Coach/Ellis/Yourself Infected: Hunter/Boomer/Smoker/Jockey/Spitter/Charger
  3. What is your favourite primary weapon?:
  4. What is your favourite secondary weapon?:
  5. What is your favourite throwable item?:
  6. What is your favourite healing item?: Which one you prefer? Pain Pills? Or, Adrenaline?
  7. How much health you have? (For survivors only):
  8. Skin:
  9. Your age?:
  10. Job? (School if optional):
  11. Your most hated infected?:
  12. Gender: Male/Female
  13. Status: Critical/Normal/Fine

I guess that's all for now.

Here's mine down below,

  1. Which side are you on?: Survivor
  2. Who you want to be?: Yourself
  3. What is your favourite primary weapon?: Assault Rifle (M4A1)
  4. What is your favourite secondary weapon?: Dual Pistols
  5. What is your favourite throwable item?: Molotov
  6. What is your favourite healing item?: Pain Pills
  7. How much health you have?: 100
  8. Skin: Nasir_Real_HD.png (In sig)
  9. Your age?: 13
  10. School: Unknown
  11. Your most hated infected?: Jockey
  12. Gender: Male
  13. Status: Fine

That is all for now. Hope to see your names in there!

Status: You are able to join!

Edited by Nasiruddin Hamizad
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