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Paradox Faction Textures and Skins

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A few years ago, there was a game. A great game. One might even call it amazing. It was called Lego Universe. Sadly, it closed after only one year of operation. It was, and remains to this day, one of my favorite game of all time. I can honestly admit that I like it more than Minecraft.


So, today, I made some textures and skins. These are based off of the Paradox faction from the game, which was my favorite.


Here they are:




*Hat sold separately







Space Marauder:



Item Sheet (Replaces stone through diamond swords):



I'm curious how many Lego Universe players are on the forums.


Even if you weren't an LU player, please comment on what you think of my skins. I really appreciate any feedback.


If you guys want, I'll make more based on the other factions.


See ya!


Edit: Here's a full version of the LU Texture Sheet I made. It's not quite done, but it's close enough.


The tools are easy, but some are a bit harder to spot:

Enderpearl - Imagination Orb

Brick - Lego Brick

Nether Brick - Maelstrom Brick

Redstone - Maelstrom Dust

Potion - Retextured to loom like in LU



Edited by KicksBrickster
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Ah, the memories the memories... My current favourite faction is the Paradox, but when I played the game I was an Assembly Engineer. These are really nice skins and textures, how about their secondary powers as a rig or something (I forgot what they are, if they were anything big).

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