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Everything posted by DerpBox

  1. DerpBox

    OBJ to JSON

    It sort of worked... I got the file and converted it to a schematic, but when I created it part of the arms and head were gone. I wanted to turn it into a level.dat to fix it and then import the different parts individually (it was a Wii U model) but MCedit crashed. Over and over.
  2. DerpBox

    OBJ to JSON

    I have a few .obj files that I would like to animate, but I don't want to pay for a tool. I tried to convert one, but it was invisible and crashed when I tried putting it in a particle creator. Is there a free tool that can work?
  3. I want to find a way to make steve flop when hitting a surface, such as a piece of imported terrain. Is there any way to do this?
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