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About olimerkido

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  1. Again, most people on this forum from my experience a few years back, I got a lot of hate for using wine (wine is not emulator) to run Mine-imator on Linux But if you could run Mine-imator on Linux it would bring a lot of benefits even to the Windows users, because the cloud mainly runs on Linux, so people, or even you yourselves could start a business rendering people's projects at high speed, and a button on the Windows version to send it to a server. Also I don't use Windows, I use Linux, MacOS and iOS. A full version on Linux, as-well as a cloud rendering server would also be nice, but it might only cater to a very small percentage of your audience
  2. In WWDC18, Apple announced that in WWDC19, which is less than 3 weeks away, they will be opening project Marzipan to the public, which lets you program apps for iPads and MacOS at the same time. A version for iPad Pros would work on MacOS as-well, and I'm an all Apple user, so opening the platform to the other half of users, I say half because MacOS users tend to be the creative bunch so you'll find a whole half of your potential users are being opened to the platform if you do.
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