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Fusion Fury

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Everything posted by Fusion Fury

  1. This is mostly for the ease-of-use and quality of life, but could the seconds of an animation be also displayed on the timeline instead of just at the top? Like, this: I feel like this would decrease the amount of time spent animating, as instead of having to stop, look up at the timecode at the top, ensure we're animating on a right tempo / speed, then continue, we could just refer to the seconds in the animation timeline.
  2. The voice actor is weird cause I'm the ONLY voice actor, I have to do it ALL myself (I don't have the money or people for other voice actors, and even though their are probably people who would do it for free (Maybe), they probably don't have a mic with the same level of quality as mine so the voice acting could fluctuate from fussy and hard to hear, to clear and easy to hear (The second one being the one I'd want)). The light is that way because that's pretty much all of the things in the world that emit light have lighting attached to them by me, I did have to cut down in some areas because of rendering time, ETC. The linear transitions thing is something I'm working on and will hopefully not use as much in the near future.
  3. I only realized that I had spelt Terra as TERA after the episode was already finished and rendered.
  4. LINKS: Episode 1: OFFICIAL DESCRIPTION: Welcome to the world of TERA, a land of not just Humans, but Dragons and other creatures that may be lurking in the darkness. Henry is an escaped prisoner from the Overworld dimension who is hiding out in the TERA Dimension from his world's military, the A.C.A.U unit. Join Henry on his first adventure in the world of TERA, where not all is as it seems. UNOFFICIAL SECOND DESCRIPTION: A mysterious kingdom, another world, and a dragon. Things do have a way of going south for Henry Jackson, a former military solider from the Overworld who ended up in the TERA Dimension after having to escape from his own dimension. Henry may find that things are not what they seem in the world of TERA, and things have a way of working out. Q&A: Q: How long are episodes of TERA? A: The opening special episode is 26 minutes in length with credits, every episode after Episode One will be 20 to 22 minutes in length and will be posted only on Mondays or Fridays. Q: How many episodes will there be of TERA? A: I have thirteen episodes planned for the first season, and ideas for a second if people like the first season and want more. Q: Where did I come up with TERA? A: TERA actually is the by-product of another project that has (so far) never seen the light of day. TERA started out as test animations to see how far I could push Mine-Imator with my skills, and eventually it evolved into a series of 13 episodes. Q: is there an Intro? A: Yes, but it isn't in Episode One because there simply wasn't enough time to include it, it will be in Episode 2 and on however. Q: Is Herobrine or any other of those characters in TERA? A: No. What I want with TERA is a story that focuses on two characters who grow and change and evolve alongside the world around them as they face challenges both old and new, and Minecraft' existing catalog of characters isn't really able to handle that without it feeling cringy. Also, I wanted TERA to be unique, everyone is using Herobrine and the others, so I go in the other direction and introduce new unique characters you can enjoy without feeling as if there's a thousand of them. Q: Who is/are the main character(s)? A: The first main character is a man from the Overworld named Henry Jackson, a former military solider with 11 years of experience fighting in some of the nastiest wars to plague the overcrowded Overworld. I can't really go to much into the second main character, as he is in Episode 1 and if I did, it would be SPOILERS. So I will refrain from doing so.
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