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About Greg

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  1. @ David - What do I mean by real time? When you export the scene as a movie file and it plays in normal time, not slow-mo. The problem I was having is that I created a scene for 3 seconds, but because speed of the playing not reflecting real time, the scene looked great when I played it on mine-imator, but when I exported it to a movie file it appeared like it was playing in fast forward. So, I'm asking is there any option to play a scene in "real time" thus - playing a scene in mine-imator in normal time. @ Tutorial Guy - that still doesn't solve the problem. It still leaves an element of guessing what the frames will look like when you watch it as normal.
  2. Hi guys, Been playing with Mine-imator some more and actually just setup my first few scenes for a project I'm working on. To cut to the chase, I was a bit surprised by the tempo of the camera. I know this can be adjusted, but the farthest it will let me go is to 50. (and that's not anywhere close to real time) Is there anyway this can be done without having to export a movie each time? Thanks, Greg
  3. Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to Mine-imator, this is my first day finding the program and I'm already hooked! Previously I tried to make animations with blender, but it felt too complex to get the hang of. I watched some tutorials, did a lot of reading, and managed to make a few of my own rigs for props. Also - it seems that there are three ways to build rigs: #1 - Build it piece by piece from Mine-imator - add block, attach it, etc. (like pupils, eyebrows, etc.) Which is good for REALLY small things. (otherwise too much work for detail) #2 - Use the item.png to make portions of the rig. (top, side, front - views.. etc.) And again this seems to work well for small - medium sized objects. #3 - Build something in your MC world. Copy it with MCEdit, upload it as a schematic, color it using the terrain.png, and then scale size to for use. If My question though, is there any minimize/expand button to hide everything in a rig? I'm going to be using a fair amount of props + characters in some animations, so I think it would be hard keeping track of +50 things (NOT including their children objects) One thing I am considering - just making a "static" version of the rig, and another one that has the parts for when it's used. And ONLY using the non-static version when it's needed. Unless anyone has any better suggestions?
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