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Posts posted by Acorn_Erika

  1. Click on the crafting bench, then click on the particle icon. Voila, you have a particle creator. Take a few minutes to tinker with the particle creator, just to test and experiment with it. It's probably better to learn these kind of things yourself, as reading someone's comment ruins the fun and spoils everything.xD

  2. I admit it looks nice, but maybe put a curve on the blade. 

    It doesn't have to be a 'sharp' curve, even a little one would make the rig more authentic.

  3. I'll try, but I'm probably not good at these kind of roleplays.

    Name: Cyla

    Gender/Sex: Female

    Deformation/Disability/Hidden Ability: She is a human-like reptilian. She is faster, stronger and slightly smarter than a normal human, but she cannot tolerate the 'too-cold' places.

    Personality: Kind, trustworthy, obedient. She doesn't mind killing, but normally she would want a reason to do it.

    Class:  CRY (Spy)

    Backstory (optional): TLL killed her human family (yes, she was adopted). She was given a device which makes her 'human' to the normal eye when she joined CRY to be a spy; however the device needs to be recharged about every 12 hrs. 

  4. Form:

    name: Erika


    gender: female

    species: human

    home location:United federation of earth

    powers: she has the power to create living entities from non living objects eg. A rock, though she may use other types of magic

    abilities: she is swift on foot and can survive without eating and drinking much more than a regular human

    inventory: a wand, a few inanimate objects and carries a knife for safety

    backstory: she's parentless and has no friends. She doesn't think of herself as a human due to her powers; she has little empathy for normal humans and doesn't trust many. She came to Earth mostly because she wants to protect it.

    Appearance: hazel eyes, brown hair, she wears a dark purple robe with a hood and a golden amulet encrusted with a ruby



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